[@Takashi] [hider=Waltz Music][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vq_6ObzUzog&index=17&list=PL747E3997A25A9FF6[/youtube][/hider] This was certainly more fun than the last waltz she did. Though the song was a bit on the slow side and was meant more for those that needed the sound of footsteps (as opposed to the music) to guide them. Hence, only the lead soloists were playing, so as to slowly build up into what would be another song, one plenty more grand. But there was something about the simplicity, the focus that was demanded by the quieter music and the long rests, that kept her focus on her partner. As opposed to the playfulness of a cousin, there was an absurdly heavy air between the masked partners. A misstep anywhere during the song could kill someone with the poison of embarassment. But to die in Yutaro's arms would be an ultimate fantasy, one just missed as the song came to a close. She could feel his arm slide back up from her lower back to her shoulder blade, where it had unconsciously slid down to during the dance. [i]"You're an excellent dancer...I'm almost embarrassed! My steps are nowhere near as clean as yours. Where did you learn?"[/i] The waltz? When she was young, her uncle used to have this charming young son...a ladies' man groomed to be a lady killer in the future. [color=7bcdc8]"My cousin, and...my first crush, too. He taught me the general stuff, but...oh my god..."[/color] Memories came flooding back. Sabine had to stifle a giggle as she pulled herself closer to him to giggle on his chest. [color=7bcdc8]"...I spent that summer practicing to match him. My dad, he'd put up with me every night after he closed the gym. The yoga room had to be cleaned and polished again and again because my heels were so sharp..."[/color] She looked up, her jade irises piercing past Yutaro's mask, searching for answers beyond even the mask of his face. She told him about her life...and him to her...not yet. Her interlocked fingers held her securely close to him. [color=7bcdc8]"You're not bad at all. How'd you learn how to charm girls like that, Yutaro-san, or am I your first?"[/color]