[@DiZL ReloadeD][@rechonq] "Oh, uh... thanks." Vivianne nods, Celia's gratitude starting to cheer her up. The guilt was also lifted from her shoulders as Seth admitted to his foul, and for that, Vivianne was grateful. To have her team mature like this was a good thing. Of course, having fun and immature moments were required, however knowing when those moments were was something she wished to inspire in her comrades. Though she had a feeling only one of them would need reminding... Though West did make her feel somewhat bad about her actions. Even so, she opts to explain them to him. "I apologise, I did get somewhat frustrated there, and probably shouldn't have thrown my sword. However, grabbing one's attention in a violent way before proceeding to address the situation calmly is a psychological strategy which can commonly be used to get others to listen to you. A prime example would be the Cinder incident five years ago, when the lady herself caused uproar before telling a crowd of people calmly that the people who were supposed to protect them had... flaws. My mentor taught me that, though I don't intend on using it often. I'll try to keep my emotions under control." She then looks to Cecil and smiles warmly. "Shall we get a drink? I'm in need of one right about now." She says, though this was only half of the truth. She wanted to use this time to take one of her tablets... It was due around about now, anyways.