[center] [hider=rechonq's seraphim] [u][b] Character sheet[/b][/u] [b]Quote:[/b] [b][color=ee0f0f]"Stop killing. Your bad at it."[/color][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Krutik Ramezan [b]Age:[/b] 67 [b]Species:[/b] Descendant (Angel) [b]Blood%:[/b] 80% Seraphim / 20% Tyro [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sex Preference:[/b] Hetero [b]Height:[/b] 6'2 (Wings rest at 8'7) [b]Weight:[/b] 172 lbs [b]Physical appearance:[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/4a/44/55/4a4455d45e76a9614fe4dede02e670c7.jpg[/img] [b]Apparel:[/b] He wears a brown towel around his waist and a red hooded robe. A falcon pin is used to clasp his towel around his waist and the robe has no belt around it. He wears a bronze breastplate and bronze shin guards and arm guards. He likes his gold shoulder plates the most though. He also has a small red shield. [b]Vehicle:[/b] [b]IG[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] Very quiet and rather reclusive. Being hunted by the Therosi has given him trust issues, and left a bad taste in his mouth in regards to most people. He pushes most people away and tries to avoid large populations at all costs. He wishes he could hide his wings, but they are obscenely large. There are a few he has let get close to him, but he still doesn't treat them that well. He's not exactly sure why anyone likes him. He sometimes wishes they would leave him alone. [b]Occupation:[/b] Inventor / Special Forces [b]Faction:[/b] Aion / Dolofon. [b]Adv. App.:[/b] [hider=Mecha] Krutik has tinkered and experimented with mehanics and his soul for his whol life. It is very calming for him and helps him to forget about the problems in the world. He has ambitiously been working on a mecha for sometime during all of his tinkerings when he can, but it was slow as he didn't have the funds or material. That was until he came into an interesting line of work. Now he has been able to actually make two mechas. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/df/2e/4b/df2e4b65d8f14a5cb04a9fac64872cb4.jpg[/img] [b]Height -[/b] 7 meters [b]Metal base -[/b] Titanium [b]Type -[/b] Medium [b]Power source -[/b] Krutik uses his own soul power to fuel and operate the mecha. He can recharge his soul by stealing the energy of others souls. [b]Equipment -[/b] He conjures his soul spear on a larger scale for his mecha's use. [/hider] [b]Exp:[/b] Krutik tried his best to stay off of everyones radars, but it was quite obvious he was a Seraphim to everyone. He associated with as little people as possible, but word still got around of his status. He learned to hate people early on, and cared little for life. Especially since he was attacked by Therosi at a young age. He was beaten within an inch of his life before a spear appeared from his chest. He pulled it out and used it to kill the attackers. He felt no remorse for killing them and realized he was lucky they were unprepared. He felt the source of the spears power coming from his soul, and he saw the power of the souls he killed as well. He found he could absorb that power when his spear was plunged into their bodies. This new power made him feel good and safe. He trained with his soul powers and worked to discover their capabilities. Training wasn't the only thing he did though. He was also very smart and creative. He had lots of projects that he worked on, but his biggest project was building his own mecha. He survived several more assassination attempts and his power continued to grow as he stole more soul power. The Fotia special forces took notice of these events and tried to recruit him. He agreed to it on one condition; that he could get as much titanium as he needed at the time. They reluctantly agreed to his demands and started him on work right away. The team he was placed with were all special situations like himself. They weren't a part of the military, so they could be given special assignments such as assassinations. During one mission to kill a Tearianaris scientist, he ran into another assassin. The assassin threatened him to go meet with Sleeth. He didn't take the man's threat seriously, but agreed to see Sleeth anyways. He was given an invitation to Dolofon if he completed an assassination for them. He gladly completed the task and gained his position with Dolofon. He quit his official position as special forces for Fotia and now works as a mercenary with Cara. He learned Soul Bind while experimenting with his powers. He's only experimented on Cara with it as well, but he now knows he can use Soul Bind with others as well. He has been able to fly ever since a young age. [b]Spells:[/b] Soul Bind - Krutik has found that he can bypass control panels for machines by linking the controls to his soul power. This grants easier control of complex machines as well. Flight - Krutik uses his wings to fly. They do require a small amount of soul power and more soul power can be pumped for more speed. [b]Abilities/Powers:[/b] 80% Seraphim - Soul Manipulation and Soul Absorption 80% Seraphim - Soul Armor and Weapon Conjuration [b]Hindrances:[/b] Stand out - His wings make him a very large target and make it very difficult for him to hide. They even have a glow to them, that makes them stand out in the dark. Physical weakness - He is physically weaker than other races. Hunted - The Therosi are a constant threat to him. [b]Unknown Weaknesses:[/b] Hatred - He is very shut off from people and is even hesitant to accept help. Hot blooded - The cold weakens him severely. Attractive - People are naturally drawn to his looks. Most of the time his demeanor will push them away, but not always. [b]Weapons:[/b] Soul Spear. It's size can be adjusted based upon the amount of power placed into it. [b]History:[/b] Krutik grew up in the town of Blaze. He was born to a Seraphim and a Tyro. He unfortunately ended up with more of his father's traits. He held a small bitterness against him for this, even though there was nothing he could have done about it. This was nothing compared to his hatred for Therosi though. His family tried to give him a normal upbringing, but Fotia had a particularly strong Therosi presence. Most people were very rasicst against Seraphims, even if they weren't for Therosi. He went to a smaller school, but was still often picked on or bullied. Some students were even willing to be his friends for a little bit, but when the bullies came around and made them turn, that's when he was hurt the most. He couldn't trust anyone. Even when people began to appear nice, he shrugged them off and pushed them away. Krutik was happiest alone. One day in high school, he was attacked by some men. They were thugs who wanted to join Therosi and saw him as an easy target. He was a relatively easy target, until his soul spear appeared before him. He had been beaten very badly, but the tides turned when got a weapon. He killed all three men as the fight continued, chasing down the last one to end him as well. He had felt his own souls power as he flew before, but now he could feel theirs as well. He plunged his spear back into their bodies and found that he could absorb their souls. He felt his own soul feel more powerful as he absorbed theirs. The power made him feel good, he wanted more. More advanced attacks and complex assassinations were brought upon him, and he managed to fend himself off from them. He was lucky that most of his attackers underestimated him, until he developed enough power to defend himself from more experienced attackers. Soon the Fotians took notice of his power and offered him a job with one of their secret organizations. He agreed to it on the condition that he be given access to advanced machinery and titanium. They reluctanly agreed and he took great advantage of this to create his mecha. He was busy with the team on a lot of the missions that the official military couldn't perform. Lots of stealing and assassinations, and when he finished his mecha, they took advantage of that quite often as well. During one of his missions he was separated from his team and ran into another assassin, their mission was the same, but this assassin didn't like to share. He had an upper hand on Krutik, but fortunately he was saved by the targets body guard. He was thrown off by this, but chose to defend the bodyguard for some reason anyways. The target was already taken care of, but he was shocked at his own actions now. Why did he care about her life? She saved him, but he didn't care about that. Anyways, he fought the assassin with equal power and skill. The guard took some serious injuries from the first attack, but he managed to protect her from the rest of the assassins attacks. The assassin realized the waste of time and chose to make a deal with Krutik. He offered to cease the attacks and spare the guard and the rest of his team, if he agreed to meet the leader of the Dolofon. The assassin was certainly ambitious to think he could beat him and his whole team, but he agreed to meet his leader anyways. He said he would be taking care of the guard first though. The assassin agreed to give him two weeks before he would hunt him down. It wasn't much time, but he agreed to it anyways. He took the guard with him and began to work on her. A portion of the right side of her head was cut off along with a large part of her arm. He was amazed that she was even alive. He didn't know much about how to fix a body either. A portion of her soul had been taken away with the assassins strange attack. He didn't know how to differentiate souls once they were inside of him, so he instead transfered the part of her soul to a cannon he found nearby. He read her bodies soul and felt a massive amount of energy. He wasn't sure what having part of your soul removed would do to a person though. He could only think to connect her to a machine that could protect her body and hold her soul's energy. He didn't have the time to make a new machine for her though. He had been working on another mecha for himself, but he experimented with her body and finally found a way to connect her to the cannon and to the mecha. He bound them both to her soul and successfully restored it. Her soul was weak now though. With a few more experiments he found he could give her his own energy as well. The time was reaching it's end and she was still asleep. He left her alone and went to meet the assassins. He met Sleeth with the assassins recomendation. Sleeth wasn't impressed, but gave him a chance the same as everyone else. The target was a Fotian general. Sleeth was trying to test Krutik, but he didn't know he hated the Fotians more than anyone else. Upon killing the general he quickly returned to check up on the guard. She had awoken though. She was terrified and confused at what was going on and nearly killed Krutik. He explained the situation to her and calmed her down. Cara told him her name and agreed to wait a little longer for him to return and give more details about what would happen to her. He returned to Sleeth and finished his business with him quickly. He didn't rush anything as he knew getting on the bad side of him would be very bad. He returned to Cara and began to explain more about everything to her, even himself. He explained that with some more experimentation he might be able to make something that could allow her to leave the mecha. Seeing as how she didn't have much of a choice she agreed to stay with him. He quit working for the Fotians and began working on her full time. Several weeks later, he was able to use a helmet to remove her from the mecha. He was able to install one of the mechas ocular sensors into the helmet, and bind it to her for better vision. Unfortunately he couldn't remove the cannon from her. Playing with souls was a very tricky and messy business and it seemed to have become a part of her. He did shorten it's wires and connected it directly to her arm. She took most of the situation well, and adapted easily to her new 'head' and 'arm'. Once he had done everything he could for her, he told her to leave. She refused him and after much arguing and threatening, he gave up and let her stay. He told her that if she was staying, she would be working. He began to pick up jobs as a mercenary from anyone again. Her cannon actually helped with some of his assassinations from Dolofon, and her help in the mecha was helpful for some of the larger contracts. They picked up random missions for several years to come and were in Sol for this latest mission. They were looking to pick up a contract to be some guards for a noble in Sunfire. [b]Trivia:[/b] Cephalacaudal recapitulation is the reason our extremities develop faster than the rest of us. [/hider] [/center] [center] [hider=rechonq's cyborg] [u][b] Character sheet[/b][/u] [b]Quote:[/b] [b][color=5e29e3]"Since when are you better than me?"[/color][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Cara Elub [b]Age:[/b] 45 [b]Species:[/b] Descendant (Human) [b]Blood%:[/b] 60% Lassa, 40% Sol, [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Sex Preference:[/b] Hetero [b]Height:[/b] 5'9 [b]Weight:[/b] 142 lbs [b]Physical appearance:[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/cc/5f/5c/cc5f5cbbdd398333d3d77ad885563f8c.jpg[/img] [b]Apparel:[/b] Cara wears a tight silver skin suit with hues of blue and purple. Thanks to an incident, her right arm is a cannon and her right eye is cybertronic. Her purple hair extends out from under the helmet that protects her head and holds her eye in place. [b]Vehicle:[/b] [b]IG[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] Cara works very hard, but is very fun loving as well. First impressions would place her as a class clown, and one to shirk responsibilities, but when it comes to results, she gets the job done. She is very quick to correct anyone who treats her as less than she is. [b]Occupation:[/b] Security [b]Faction:[/b] Aion [b]Adv. App.:[/b] [hider=Mecha] Cara isn't to fond of her mecha as it was built by a Fotian, and is rather bulky. Her natural style uses speed and agility, while her mecha is a slow tank. She's not to keen on the weapon set either. Even though the style is very slow and Fotian, she loves her machine. It helped to save her life. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/0f/30/34/0f30340967b4e08cf00d79eee95f3150.jpg[/img] [b]Height -[/b] 5 meters [b]Metal base -[/b] Titanium [b]Type -[/b] Medium [b]Power source -[/b] Electric, hydraulic, hydroelectric, soul. Krutik designed one of his mechas to work with Cara's soul. Realizing she didn't have the soul power he had, he adjusted her mecha to run on hydraulics and electricity. She uses her own power to build up the water pressure, and a battery is also located just below the cockpit. Krutik can recharge her soul with his own reserves, if she begins to drain herself. [b]Equipment -[/b] Twin heavy machine guns, twin plasma cannons and triple flamethrowers that spread fire in a thin cone. All the weapons are on one hand and cannot be fired simultaneously. [/hider] [b]Exp:[/b] Cara loved shooting growing up. It was a relief to her perfect life. She began when she was a child and has become very good at it. She was also very naturally athletic, and found most activities to be easy for her to pick up and learn. Water Manipulation was a basic course taught in her school, and she was very eager to master it and use it to keep water with her always, even while on land. She would daydream often and soon others began to hear her dreams as well. She soon learned to intentionally use this to speak, and how to limit who could hear. Her school was prestigious for mages as well. Freezing water intrigued her and she learned the skill from a master. She continued to see him repeatedly for lessons on how to better use it. She practiced often so that she could show off her amazing ability to others. All of this was very good for a teenager, but she desired to go to probably the best university in the nation. It's writing program was top notch. Another feature was that it's security program was top notch as well. If student's could pass the extensive tests to become a part of security then even they could join. She was accepted into the universities writing program and passed the security program's tests with flying colors. Everything was going well until her life was flipped upsidedown. One night she saved a man during an assassination attempt. She was out for the next few weeks when she awoke within a mecha. Unable to escape the mecha, she waited for the return of the one that placed her inside. When Krutik returned, he created a helmet to cover her wounds and replace her lost eye, and replaced her lost arm with her cannon. Scared of what to do next, Unsure of how people would react and slightly attracted to Krutik, were all reasons why she refused to leave him. She ended up joining him and working even harder to perfect her aim and powers. [b]Spells:[/b] Perfect Shot - Her ocular rift is very advanced, but with added soul power it's performance enhances drastically. Combined with her years of shooting practice, her aim becomes remarkable. Freezing - She has the ability to cool water to points well below freezing. Combined with her water manipulation she can create many objects from ice. She can even freeze the water inside of someones body. Her most impressive use of this spell is cryostasis. [b]Abilities/Powers:[/b] Lassa 60% - Water Manipulation Sol 40% - Mental Communication [b]Hindrances:[/b] Gills - She can currently only breathe water right now. Limited soul - She cannot replenish her soul power as she uses it. She relies on Krutik to restore her soul power if it gets low. Loud thoughts - Sometimes she can forget about her ability to mentally communicate and begin to share her private thoughts with those around her. [b]Unknown Weaknesses:[/b] Dries out easily - She requires lots of water or gets sick. Never serious - Often she can be misread and taken for granted, and she struggles to read the situation at times. Hour of sunlight a day - If she isn't outside for at least an hour a day, she begins to feel weak. [b]Weapons:[/b] Ice cannon. Super-cooled particles are accelerated with stored pressure release. Has two settings for automatic fire and single shot. [b]History:[/b] Cara was born to a very wealthy family in the underwater of Tearianaris. She lived a good early life and never faced many trials or tribulations at all. She enjoyed writing very much and excelled at it. She was very witty and tended to be the class clown. She never really appeared to work hard, but she often quietly volunteered for things and simply got them done without recognition. Her results spoke for how hard she worked. Everything she did seemed to somehow come out working with little or no flaws. Cara's perfect life felt very boring at times though. One odd love she had was for shooting. She had her father take her quite often and got very good at it quickly. She learned how to shoot all sorts of weapons with good form and accuracy. Even competing in and winning several competitions. She soon became one of the best young shooters in Tearianaris. Water manipulation also helped to keep her from getting bored. Her mastery of this skill allowed her to go above water during the day. She had gotten good enough the sustaining moving water around her gills became a nearly thoughtless task for her. Unfortunately it always required some thought and she would need some sort of aparatus if she was going to sleep up there. Her high school years began to teach her the wonders of spells. A magoi taught the class and one of his spells was the ability to freeze water. Cara took a strong intrest to this spell and practiced it quite often and repeatedly. She even found that she could cool herself, and others if she cooled the water inside them. She continued to practice this spell avidly and even sought extra help from the teacher on occasion. This was only one subject though. She found herself wandering off in her mind and daydreaming in several other subjects. She was very embarrassed for a few weeks as she found that other students started to hear her thoughts. She rushed to find the cause of this and correct it. The problem turned out to actually be quite fun for her. She figured out how to control her mental messages, and even send them to specific targets within a full room. She could share funny comments clearly with all the students, without the teacher knowing a thing. Although the classes chuckling and laughing normally gave it away. She made it through high school without a hitch, and was accepted to her dream university as well. The university was above water, but had submerged dorms to accomodate the water breathing students. She was enrolled in their creative writing program and specialized in fiction and action. She had her girly attributes and seemingly ungirly attributes, but she never really made any fuss over any of it. She just did what she wanted and enjoyed herself. The university had a very extensive security program. The guards were even allowed to carry guns on them, and even got a little mecha training. This was because the university was one of the leading research facilities in Tearianaris. Some of their greatest technological advancements came from there, and they were always working on more. She easily passed all of the extensive tests, and got the marksman award on the shooting portion for a perfect score. Security was a perfect job for her. She got to explore the campus, she could use the shooting range, she met tamers and sea dragons and they even got to ride in one of the universities mechas. College was going well for her and she was in her final year before her world was turned upsidedown. During one of her patrols, she stumbled into a room where a scientist had been assassinated. A reddish Seraphim stood over him while another Nayu Seraphim looking man was about to kill the first. She wasn't sure what to do, but felt the need to act and pulled her weapon on the Nayu man. The Nayu noticed her movements and began to move toward her eratically and with amazing speed. She fired several shots, but couldn't keep up with him and ended up taking a blow from his fearsome blade. She blacked out instantly and doesn't remember anything until she woke up. When she woke up, she found herself inside of a strange mecha. It didn't have any controls, but when she tried to do things it responded. She didn't move to much because moving it made her feel weak in a way she'd never felt before. She couldn't figure out any way to get out of the mecha either. She was trapped inside and no matter what she tried or thought, it wouldn't open. Another thing that disturbed her, was she was only wearing her underwear. She had wires covering her body, a strange helmet on her head and her arm was locked into the machine. She was in quite a predicament and decided to wait and see if whoever did this would reeturn. He fortunately returned after a day, but it was the red Seraphim that stood over top of the scientist. She surprised him and attacked him with the mecha, but he quickly explained he saved her life. He began to give her a quick rundown of what happened, and answered a few of her questions. He explained she was trapped inside the mecha to keep her safe and preserve her soul power. He also explained that she was the first one that he had done this with, so he had to experiment with her body and soul. That made her feel a little violated, but when he explained how he used the cannon, helmet, and mecha to recombine her soul, she felt a little better. His tone was very matter of fact as well and gave little inflection to having seen her. She almost felt a little ashamed like she wasn't good enough for him. He left her again for a few days and unlocked the mecha to open so that she could get food and the like. Part of the helmets function was to provide water while she slept. He returned a few days later and began to work on a way to remove her from the mecha. He also explained in more detail what happened and who he was. Normally she felt like she would have been mad at him, but he wasn't her assailant and he did save her life in two ways. She only counted one of them since she saved his life first though. The removal process took several weeks and was quite awkward as she still couldn't wear much. He dealt with her like she was nothing more than a test subject though. At times she wished he would show some intrest when dealing with her. He was very attractive himself, and he sort of grew on her. He finally finished and removed her by replacing all of the wires and the mecha helmet with a new helmet. It had a cybernetic eye that worked even better than her normal eye, and with his soul binding ability, it felt almost completely natural. The cannon had to remain to her arm though. It became a part of her and held part of her soul. Krutik was unsure, but afraid of what would happen if she tried to go about life without part of her soul. Fortunately the cannon was of Tearianaris design and felt good to her. She was sort of pleased with her new form. She had become what she knew to be, the first actual cyborg. A new wave of emotions rushed her when he tried to kick her out though. She was unsure and a little scared of so many things with her new self. She didn't understand soul power or this technology at all. She let him perform all of those experiments to figure this out and now he was kicking her out. She argued with him and refused to leave, even after he threatened to kill her. She called his bluff though and ended up staying with him for his adventures. She actually keeps a secret diary of a lot of the stories she gets from her time with him. They have been on a lot of missions together now, and he even adjusted her mecha to work with her better. She has put her shooting to use for him and in return he restores her soul power when she runs low. Their latest mission has taken them to the city of Sunfire in Vrondi. [b]Trivia:[/b] There is a 600-year-old and 240-paged-book called the Voynich Manuscript, written in a language that's still completely unknown today. [/hider] [/center]