[@Gowi]It's fine. I can do something else. It's too convoluted anyways to make the science work to maintain "ruins" on Mars. EDIT: Unless... I just got an idea. We all know there are people who'll believe whatever they'd want no matter what the evidence shows them to the contrary right? So maybe there's a wealthy Earth man who's sure, [i]absolutely sure[/i] that there must have been life on Mars. Enter in my duo who basically take advantage of his idiocy. They believe that even if there was life on Mars, terraforming erased all evidence. But they're up for some easy money. :D So they agree to go to Mars and "look for evidence of life" under the terraformed layer. [quote=@Gowi]A little bit of the inspiration was reading Byrd Man and Morden Man’s 1x1[/quote] I found if I read their works I get depressed. :( Lol. And now you know that Blue secretly envies your writing abilities (or is that not a secret?)