[hider=Aisha Hwang][hr][hr][center][h1][color=004b80]A I S H A[/color][/h1] [img]http://rollingout.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/black-woman-reading.jpg?35eca3[/img][/center] [hr][hr][center][sub][i]“Love and Passion go hand in hand.”[/i][/sub][/center] [b]| IDENTITY |[/b] [color=gray][indent]Aisha Hwang[/indent][/color] [b]| PSEUDONYMS |[/b] [color=gray][indent]Kathleen Kenyon Dressel (as a last name)[/indent][/color] [b]| DOB |[/b] [color=gray][indent]07/13/2318[/indent][/color] [b]| ORIGIN |[/b] [color=gray][indent][b]Earthling Human[/b][indent]African Decent[/indent][/indent][/color] [b]| EMPLOYMENT RECORD |[/b] [color=gray][indent]Archaeologist: Current Biological Scientist: Has Masters in, working on her PhD[/indent][/color] [b]| PHYSICAL APPEARANCE |[/b] [color=gray][indent]Aisha is a lovely woman of color. She's of average height, standing at five foot six. Physically she's not overly muscular. She has a nice set of curves on her. She has dark brown eyes and hair. She also has calloused hands from the work she does.[/indent][/color] [b]| PHYSICAL ANALYSIS |[/b] [color=gray][indent]Aisha believes in mental prowess over physical. But that doesn't mean she's not physically fit. Because she is. Though she's not as energetic or strong as Wendy. When presented with a physical problem, Aisha is more likely to use science to fix it. E.G. Moving a rock, she'll use fulcrums, levers, etc. If it comes down to a fight, Aisha's more of a school of thought that uses their opponent's strength against them.[/indent][/color] [b]| PSYCHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS |[/b] [color=gray][indent]Aisha's the smarts of their operation. She sees things in a scientist context and is always the voice of reason. Which is why she loves Wendy. Wendy is the impulsiveness to her cool head. The reason why Aisha is on Mars and loving it. Aisha is more prone to being emotional despite her heavy emphasis on reason. Aisha has always feel more strongly than her wife. Which is the reason why she relies so heavily on logic. It helps keep her sane. If she doesn't think things through logically she ends up making poor decisions in the heat of the moment. Despite her analytical mind, Aisha is more carefree when she excavates sites. Something Wendy is always harping on her about.[/indent][/color] [b]| BACKGROUND INFORMATION |[/b] [color=gray][indent]Aisha was born to loving parents on Earth, in South Africa. She had two older brothers growing up. Trevor and Kamal. From an early age she was always the doted upon younger sister. Something she hated. To prove that she had what it took to keep up with her siblings she read voraciously and went to college at the age of fourteen. Ironically at the same time as her eldest brother. Aisha ended in America, going to Yale, still a very prestigious university. Even after all these years. At the university Aisha studied science and ended up majoring in Biological Chemistry (Masters) with a minor in Archaeology. The minor came about after she meet Wendy and feel in love. It was when she was nineteen and beginning her last year as a Masters student. And so after she finished her Masters degree she took a few side courses to stick close to Wendy. Ironically while Aisha was [i]wasting[/i] her time getting a minor she realized that Wendy was someone she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. After the two finally graduated and within a month married. After that Aisha followed Wendy around the world as she started as an intern and eventually worked herself up to being a respected archaeologist. Aisha ended following Wendy all the way to Mars to look for evidence of alien life. Their party was manned by six people, the couple included, and funded by a wealthy mega corporation owned by Christopher Hill the second.[/indent][/color] [b]| RELATIONS RECORD |[/b] [color=gray][indent]See Wife: Wendy Hwang. Salama Dressel, Mother Hamadi Dressel, Father Trevor Dressel, Eldest Brother Kamal Dressel, Middle child [b]The Excavation Crew:[/b] Funded By: Christopher Hill II Leader: Wendy Co-Leader: Aisha 1. 2. 3. 4. [/indent][/color][/hider] [hider=Wendy Hwang][hr][hr][center][h1][color=8A3324]W E N D Y[/color][/h1] [img]https://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4021/4242836445_d031201bc1.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr][center][sub][i]“Staying home is boring when you know there's an adventure waiting just outside your door.”[/i][/sub][/center] [b]| IDENTITY |[/b] [color=gray][indent]Wendy Hwang[/indent][/color] [b]| PSEUDONYMS |[/b] [color=gray][indent]Gertrude Bell Dressel (as a last name)[/indent][/color] [b]| DOB |[/b] [color=gray][indent]09/04/2320[/indent][/color] [b]| ORIGIN |[/b] [color=gray][indent][b]Earthling Human[/b][indent]Korean Decent[/indent][/indent][/color] [b]| EMPLOYMENT RECORD |[/b] [color=gray][indent]Archaeologist: Current works freelance for a Mr. Hill[/indent][/color] [b]| PHYSICAL APPEARANCE |[/b] [color=gray][indent]Wendy is average looking for a Korean woman. She's not attractive to a lot of people, but she's not ugly either. And she's okay with that. Appearance really doesn't matter to her. She usually dyes her black hair a brownish red. She doesn't do much with it aside from putting it into the occasional ponytail if her hair keeps getting in the way. Like her wife Wendy has very calloused hands. And same with her knees from kneeling on hard ground a lot.[/indent][/color] [b]| PHYSICAL ANALYSIS |[/b] [color=gray][indent]Wendy is very physically fit. She doesn't work out on the side but her job keeps her that way. She's a wiry fit, women don't bulk up. She can't run for any stretch of time, she's not a marathoner. But she can lift, move and dig like a boss. She also has a good eye for the abstract and putting pieces back together. Wendy's fighting style is hit them until they stop moving. When she was younger she took martial arts and if she's not thinking, she;ll default back into muscle memory.[/indent][/color] [b]| PSYCHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS |[/b] [color=gray][indent]If Aisha is the brains, then Wendy's the muscle. Wendy's also the impulsive one of the couple. Leap first, ask questions later. In opinion life's too short to have regrets. Thankfully she has Aisha to temper this habit and make sure it's not suicidal. Because Wendy tends to be an unfailing optimist. There's always a sunny side type of gal. Which leads her into making some bad decisions and trusting some people she shouldn't.[/indent][/color] [b]| BACKGROUND INFORMATION |[/b] [color=gray][indent]Wendy was an only child. She was raised by a very traditional mother and an absentee father. He worked more than he was home. Growing up in Korea and being a rebel was hard. When she turned seventeen she couldn't wait to escape from her parent's place. Even though their culture told her she needed to stay at home and take care of her parents. They took her abandonment hard and disowned her. Something that deeply affected Wendy, because even though their traditions suffocated her, she still loved them in her own way. So when she went off to Yale University on her own merit, she never looked back. She tossed herself into life with a reckless abandon. Her first year in college she flirted with anything that breathed and ended up in some bad situations a few times. Ended up getting arrested once for beating up another person. That was until she spotted Aisha in the library one day. Wendy thought the older woman was gorgeous and had to be her friend and hopefully more. Unfortunately for Wendy, Aisha wasn't the jump straight into bed type of gal, but make her work for it. And Wendy must have done something right. Aisha, instead of graduating, stuck around to take more classes and be near Wendy. Most people thought Wendy was slightly insane for choosing to be an archaeologist. They'd tell her things like "the golden age of archaeology is over" or "what's left to find?". Ironically Wendy didn't find that to the case. There was always new things to discover. Archaeology isn't just a window into the ancient past, it also provided insight into the recent past. They could learn about their ancestors and how they lives, even as close as the twentieth century. The argument could be made that archaeology would always be needed. But not everyone thought that way. Wendy was seen as something weird, even by her professors who tried to groom her into become a curator or something along those lines. Wendy turned her nose up at the thought of being stuck inside a dreary lab all day. She wasn't like her lover Aisha. Thanks to Aisha, for the first time in her life Wendy knew what it was to be truly loved. The younger woman ended up proposing and was thrilled when Aisha accepted. Their engagement lasted a full two years as Wendy finished schooling. But as soon as that was done they had a wedding in Africa. Despite sending her family an invitation, only Aisha's family showed. Over the years Wendy pursed her career with a passion, rising to the top of her field. By the time she was in her thirties she was widely known for her work. She was being lauded as the herald of another golden age of archaeology. Her efforts to push it back into main stream didn't go unnoticed. Which lead to private business men approaching her and offering her a spot on the Mars archaeology team. To be honest, before this point she had never considered going to Mars. Wendy was a firm disbeliever of alien life. And the fact that there might have been something on Mars? Wendy didn't by it. Because even if there had, it was long gone thanks to terraforming. Still, she ended taking the third offer from a Mr. Hill because he allowed her to work as she would like. Which meant she had free autonomy. She also had her pick of team. Any labor she'd need would be employed from the colonies. The idea of new frontiers was just too hard to pass up. And there was a sense of excitement of actually digging somewhere that no one else ever had. Whatever she found Wendy was going to make History.[/indent][/color] [b]| RELATIONS RECORD |[/b] [color=gray][indent]See Wife: Aisha Hwang. Kim Hwang, Father Eun Hwang, Mother [b]The Excavation Crew:[/b] Funded By: Christopher Hill II Leader: Wendy Co-Leader: Aisha 1. 2. 3. 4.[/indent][/color][/hider]