[quote=@Korbanjaro] Oh! Let's not go European with the kingdom, but Chinese instead. Thus the kingdom was formed around an "Emperor," and he has his warriors to defend him. They have conquered the northwest but have not pushed south. [/quote] How does the [i] [b]Empire of the Shattered Sky[/b][/i] sound to everyone? [quote=@Legion-114] [@Korbanjaro] Accepted. Also I had planned for the Enclave to be one of the main 'Big Bads', which you can decode their plans through special events that I've set up. Yes you can. [/quote] Just me brainstorming; The Enclave could rock up on the scene to try and stamp out the empire, given how a faction built upon old world values would detest anything vaugley chinnese. Then the players would be caught between a rock and a hard place, in the form of two immensly destructive super-powers flinging their atomic shit at each other.