[@Snagglepuss89] 'Zizka' is a very strange way of spelling 'Chester Nimitz', m80. Nimitz should rightly be [i]everyone[/i]'s favorite commander. MacArthur can go eat a dick. 'Erich von Manstein' is also an acceptable answer, thanks to his masterpiece of bootysore, anti-Nazi saltiness, 'Lost Victories', in which he conclusively proves he is a much better commander than literally everyone above him. Also, while you're right, pre-modern mercenary forces are super important, they are not my area of expertise, and with college a constant drain on my free time I do not really have time to do fastidious research. Feel free to contribute if you'd like: educated opinions are always welcome, so long as one is willing to face criticism. [@Mardox] This is an excellent point: closed systems of warfare stymie progress for as long as the system is indeed closed.