[@Kingfisher] This I like. Tin-Da-Sui, or "Sky Hit Broken" would roughly be the translation. The Empire of the Shattered Sky. Very cool. Possibly Tinsui by slang? And with the Enclave encroaching, especially if they were adamantly after some kind of mcguffin that the Empire had in their possession, that would provide plenty of things for the characters to deal with. HOWEVER, I would say that it would have to be some kind of initial catalyst that brings the Enclave's attention. Perhaps the Tinsui create some kind of new weapon? (The idea of stealth power armor suits crossed my mind, but that doesn't quite seem to have enough "oomph.") Perhaps one of the Tinsui agents were discovered attempting an infiltration of the Enclave Oil Rig, and spilled the beans about the mcguffin? There are numerous things to get things moving, but it seems like if the goal of the Enclave was just simple "decimation" of the Tinsui, they would have attempted it long ago before the Empire actually [i]became[/i] a faction worth calling an Empire, you know? I think this is really interesting. I'll keep my chem-Khans faction in reserve for now, if we can use it later, but Empire VS Enclave sounds really cool.