[color=fff200]"I-I-I'm here..."[/color] Stella said shaking as she breathed in heavily her eyes dilated slightly as she struggled to regain control of herself as Beta Leader looked around and then shot off a series of shots aimed at a nearby zaku which was followed by an explosion. [color=00a651]"We're not done yet kid but I'm here. I wish I could say the same for our men. I hope the Sundown is fine it probably got ambushed too."[/color] Beta Leader said sighing in disbelief as he looked over to the crushed remnants of the slaughter daggers which contained the most likely dead bodies of his men. No one could've survived that without being really lucky. Sneak attacks with beam weapons are incredibly potent. [color=00a651]"We don't got the fire power to engage them we have to let them go. Reunite with Lieutenant Black Star and Sigma!"[/color] Beta Leader ordered as suddenly SIGMA 4 landed down heavily in front of them. [b]"The rest of my team is routing the enemies. Middle section cleared. There appears to be a signal similar to the one from the Citadel emanating from a pillar in the middle sir. I don't know what to think about it. We received it when they stopped their jamming. I still detect GN particles meaning Hiling Care is still alive."[/b] SIGMA 4 informed Beta Leader who grunted as he considered everything Nena jumped in however interrupting the thought. [color=ed1c24]"Come on don't be a kill joy let me keep fighting these punks!"[/color] Nena demanded of Beta who told her to do as she pleased which prompted Nena to launch forward towards the enemy whom were retreating. [color=00a651]"We'll stop her later for now we got to control Stella and report our finding to Captain Jason."[/color] Beta ordered as he and his men launched forward towards the place where Paul was now skirmishing with the enemy parrying and killing one zaku who foolishly challenged the gundam. ==== [color=8dc73f]"You're presuming to tell [i]me[/i] what to do!? How dare you command me you filthy hu-fool! I should kill him right now just to spite you! Too bad you have other problems..."[/color] Hiling growled and then smirked as a zaku unit whom Jameson thought he had handled came from behind slamming a knife into the back of Duel Gundam as Hiling grabbed onto Yzak and pulled him into the sky. [color=8dc73f]"I'll be taking this ...thing now if you don't mind. Oh wait I don't especially care if you do."[/color] Hiling said with amusement as Grant came in with a explanation[color=39b54a]"Fucking hate that woman! Sorry I let that one get away take care of him we got his partner!"[/color]. Grant mouthed to his friend as he and his ally were busy in a brawling match with the other elite zaku taking turns tag teaming the apparently very talented pilot. Blade against beam axe the trio twirled and parried each other neither one of the daggers really gaining the advantage but both gaining ground quickly.