[b][u]Crowned Republic of Esmaria[/u][/b] [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/278/2/7/alternate_history_british_flag_by_commietechie-d3065g2.png[/img] [b]Government:[/b] Monarchical Republic. The Crowned Republic functions differently then most democratic nations, in that while they elect their leaders, rather then a lone person, the entirety of a Noble House is chosen to be the Ruling House of the Republic, the current Matriarch/Patriarch of the Elected House is then chosen to become the new Head Sovereign of the State. The rest of the Major and Lesser Houses then form the Royal Assembly, whom both act as the Advisers of the Ruling King/Queen, and help govern and enact laws of the republic. [b]Race(s):[/b] Humans(50%) Varusch(15%) Yethari(15%) [b]Racial Traits:[/b] [b]Civilization Tier:[/b] Interstellar [b]Population:[/b] 12 Billion [b]Culture/Society:[/b] While prosperous, they are not without their flaws. There remains a divide among the Noble Houses, and the ordinary citizenry of the Republic, from lifestyle, to political power. Despite some of these flaws, Esmarian Space is quite open and accepting to people of all nationalities and species who wish to become citizens. [b]Military:[/b]