Name: Sura Kafkeh Personality: Sura is a calm, collected man. He enjoys spending hours just sitting on top of a large hill, admiring the view. He most often wonders about the human mind, about how it works. It is his firm belief that no one understands their own minds, least of all himself. Sura once lived in the central deserts, but became sick of his old life and traded it in to become a merchant. So far, he has been mildly successful, making enough so that he may not worry about getting enough money. He thinks of himself less as a merchant and more of a doctor or philosopher, often exchanging in rhetorical debate with his patrons. Now he is in the south regions, trying to become a scholar in the city of Dinsed. He is now 33. 34 is just looming around the corner. Appearance: He looks much older than he really is, the harsh desert and inherited traits resulting in dark brown skin. He is often in a light robe, wrapped firmly around himself to keep out the sand.