[center][b]>> Satori, the Shadow Queen <<[/b] [i]Here is the youngest daughter of the House of Divinity. Born in the dead of night, but a babe when the vengeful dragon rose from the sea and saw fit to punish the arrogant men who thought to usurp its throne, too young to appreciate the silver spoon in her mouth and the bitter medicine that fate had settled upon it. When she matured it was in secret, by necessity rather than choice, huddled in the dark and listening to whispers of a better of time, watching the world slip into a false sense of security without a word to say edgewise. But conceit has always been the prerogative of men, even when she surrendered her name she clutched destiny’s blade to her chest as she grew into from a child to a woman, anticipating that time when a hero would slay the dragon and free the world once more. It would happen, it had to happen... Until then the world would merely have to wait for her.'[/i] [/center] [Hider=General Information] . [b]>Name:[/b] Kiryu Shinra [b]>Aliases:[/b] Satori, Shadow Queen, Bitch [b]>Age:[/b] 19 [b]>Gender:[/b] Female [b]>Species:[/b] Inhuman [b]>Hair:[/b] Black [b]>Eyes:[/b] Red and Yellow [b]>Height:[/b] 5’10” [b]>Relations:[/b] Knights Division [i](Comrades)[/i], House Shinra [i](Family)[/i] [b]>Likes:[/b] Conflict, Intelligence, Contradictions, Spicy Food, Dangan Tenshi Anshin [b]>Dislikes:[/b] Serenity, Ignorance, Simplicity, Soggy Things, Space Renegade X [b]>> Personality <<[/b] It’s easy to assume that Satori is little more than a megalomaniacal teenager. She certainly acts it between the brooding, arrogance, demands, and occasional bouts of spontaneous cruelty. Like a child without a rod in sight she seems to do what she pleases and leaves havoc in her wake. But just as Satori is charming in her own twisted way she is also clever, every word carefully chosen and every convention defied according to plan, spinning a web out of social interactions from which there can be no escape. Of Satori what little can be said is that she is the snake whispering in the ear of a wolf wearing sheep’s clothing or so she likes to think. [b]>> Style <<[/b] Satori is a healthy example of the female of the species. At five feet ten inches she is tall and has a lean build made up of powerful muscles that curl around an otherwise willowy frame. Her skin is a spectral shade of white that is given to turning red at a particularly harsh touch and her long black hair is kept in a state of ordered disarray. Satori’s face is a pretty one if not a touch childish, thin lips given to cocky grins and golden eyes alight with passion, though she wont admit it she is a vain person. Fashion-wise Satori prefers to avoid wearing the suits and ties that are expected of her but favors shades of red, black, and gold when she has to in that priority. She’d much rather dress for combat which normally consists of light leather armor and a fur cloak she claims was stripped from one of her greatest hunts. [b]>> Finance <<[/b] Satori might seem like a lazy brat who sleeps away more hours of the day than she spends awake but what time she does spend active is put to good use. Since joining the Knights Division the Shadow Queen has taken an aggressive stance on investments and has bought out no less than a half dozen companies, of course they’re all quite small and most of them are steeped in debt, but by and large this does not concern her. Despite being the knee deep in debt to society and otherwise she seems to want for little in life... [/Hider] [Hider=Employment History] . [b]>> Pre-Employment History <<[/b] What little information exists on Satori implies that she is one of three surviving members of a former High Family. Satori went missing after an undocumented incident and was only recovered within the past two years; she has spent time in the penal system where she made a nuisance of herself and cost the tax payers a good deal of money. It has been heavily implied by those guards stationed within that Satori only remained in prison because she wanted to. [b]>> Employment History <<[/b] [i]-Part I: Suits, Ties, and Luncheons-[/i] Satori was pulled from an undocumented holding cell in the Midgar Catacombs where she was contracted to immediately regulate an ongoing test for the new KNIGHT project. Apparently the president himself had ordered a faux attack on a simple corporate luncheon potentially endangered dozens of expendable executives and her soon to be comrades. Satori drove herself straight through the window after hijacking a helicopter and showed admirable persistence in eliminating every rebel possible. This turned out to be for the worst when she crippled Sapphire amidst an untimely change in Enki, the first member of the KNIGHT project, that prompted him to transform into something entirely unbecoming for [i]Captain Shinra[/i]. Luckily Satori and Eulogy were able to pool their efforts with the newly arrived Ghest and they subdued the monster that Enki had become. Unfortunately this resulted in a violent explosion that crumbled a good third of the office building and critically injured a number of executives; it is truly remarkable that none died. [i]-Part II: Welfare Rebels-[/i] Satori learned that her precious Sword, which as it turns out is not a sword, fell into the hands of a self-serving rebel army known as the Knights of Strix. Rather than retrieve the sword herself Satori chose to send new recruit Sky Dancer into the fray. Sky posed as a gladiator and fought his way through the ranks until he had earned the trust of the Knights of Strix and their capricious leader. On the day that was supposed to see him inducted into their ranks the Knights of Strix set a trap for Sky that would have seen fight until exhaustion and eventual death. With little recourse left to them the Knights Division stormed the coliseum in order to reunite with Sky and bring righteous vengeance with them. From there they engaged in pitched battle against the Strixian guard, the perfect cover for Satori to break away from the pack and retrieve the Sword for herself. With weapon in hand and secrets secured Satori, Enki, and Sky saw fit to eliminate the rebels down to a man. [i]-Part III: Toppling Towers-[/i] The Knights returned home only to discover that the board of directors were none too pleased with their latest antics and hovering near the top of their list were Satori and Enki. As punishment the Knights were forced to harbor a pair of Soldiers turned babysitters, a light punishment at least on the surface, it didn't take long to learn that the new recruits were none other than Scarlet Breaker Solus and Juggernaut Gever. Unwilling to accept servitude without a fight the Knights challenged the legendary Twin Towers to a spar... [i]-Part IV: Secret Wars-[/i] Satori is well documented as being perpetually apart from the rest of the Knights Division. Secret Wars tells the story of Satori’s slow but steady accrual of power and wealth. Along the way she's pursued by the officer Jen Hyuga as she hunts for answers about her lost sister Sapphire and the ruthless President Beryl... [/Hider] [Hider=Capabilities] . [b]>Martial Arts Mastery[/b] Satori has trained in the martial arts since she was but a child. Though her initial training was rooted in the Twelve Forms she quickly took on the path of the Masterless Man, wandering her homeworld in search of those like her and cannibalizing what she could along the way, now she has evolved into a diverse and deadly fighter. That said her style remains true to the Twelve Forms she learned in her youth and focuses heavily on flowing movements followed by heavy strikes into openings. Rumor has it that Satori’s ability to grapple is fearsome though it’s something she rarely employs. [i][OOC] Satori is a martial artist and her primary mode of offense is punching faces.[/i] [b]>Inhuman Physiology[/b] It is said that House Shinra sought to make themselves gods, using everything from selective breed to genetic manipulation to produce results before employing Ether Infusion to mutate their own bodies, and though she was but a child when the House collapsed she was no different. Though outwardly the mundane Satori’s physiology is that of something inhuman, everything from her bone structure to her organs have not only been reinforced but optimized to reduce redundancies, her physical strength such that she can bend steel and speed enough to dodge bullets, and this before she channels Ether into her system. In exchange however Satori is slowly but surely becoming something more and yet less than human, eating less and sleeping for days merely being the first consequences. No one is quite sure what Satori is becoming and least of all Satori herself. [i][OOC] Satori's constant contact with the supernatural has turned her into something of a superhuman. The process hasn't stopped however this will not manifest until later.[/i] [b]>Ether Manipulation[/b] Ki or chi, mana or prana, psychokinesis or bioforce; call it what you call it but Shin-Ra has joined in throwing all supernatural energy under the umbrella of Ether and in doing so hope that they can come to understand it just a bit better. It also happens to be flowing through Satori’s body with a particular potency not found in your average human. For the most part Ether is used to increase Satori’s already considerable physical traits allowing her to be faster, stronger, and more durable than the regular soldier could ever hope to be. However in her time she has learned to shape ether, the most common manifestation of that knowledge being the standard energy beam whether it be sustained or burst, but our dear Princess is more creative than that. Slowly but surely Satori has gained frighteningly precise control over Ether and is able to form it into all manner of states (solid, liquid, gas, and so on) as well determine its quantity, flexibility, and sustainability. It can therefore be said that while most people use Ether like a science, say for casters, in that they choose to follow rote paths Satori is more of an artist who manipulates ether on the fly to create new dynamic effects. The sacrifice of course is that Satori chews through a great deal of energy adding structure to what is by its very nature formless and without charges she runs the serious risk of hurting herself. [i][OOC] Satori mostly uses Ether in the manner of your standard martial arts warrior however she does get creative with it. Depending on the scale of the fight this can see her create constructs, prepare traps, and more. Carrying her power level all the way from Captain America to Superman.[/i] [b]>Will of the Witch[/b] Though Shin-Ra Incorporated has done much to whittle the mysterious nature of Ether down to a science it is still very much a supernatural force. For the most part when used in controlled quantities Ether reacts in a predictable fashion however just as magic can be used to shape spells of varying nature so to can Ether grow over time. In this case Satori’s own personal store of Ether has come to emulate her personality, outwardly it takes the appearance of a particularly deep shadow in hues of black and purple and emotionally it is as playful as it is vicious. But just because shadows are flighty fragile things on their own does not make them weak especially when they bunch up together and cast the world into darkness. Moreso than other forms of Ether Satori’s particular brand of power is invasive to the point of being downright caustic and capable of burning through the physical, spiritual, and mental at once even at the cost of its ephemeral existence. [i][OOC] Satori’s Ether acts a lot like and is in many cases indistinguishable from Psychokinesis or Shadowmancy. With the exception that it is unique to her and attempts at subversion are at best a zero sum game. [/i] [/Hider]