[@Nevix] Alrighty, well I'm just going to put this out there. Mostly because I don't believe in hiding criticisms and also everybody gets a learning experience. I see your relatively new to the site. So I'm going to try and be nice about this. Chase the Night is an Advanced RP. To quote Mahz "Advanced RP focuses on longer posts, often with in-depth plots, character development and extensive settings/lore." This also pertains to character sheets. Generally Character Sheets especially in advanced are going to serve as basically a first impression for a GM. Your character main contribution to the story, and when I see a kickass sheet I'm like hell yes. When I see a well thought out sheet with lots of detail, I get so happy. But, I personally might also write somebody off because of their CS in about two seconds of viewing it. That being said upon taking your sheet into consideration and after casually browsing some of your other posts. I cannot accept your character for I feel that you will not meet the standards I have in mind for the RP. I don't want you to be discouraged though. I've been doing this for a loooong time. Ten years this year (damn that makes me feel old) and I've been with RPG since the old old days. And I'm still learning and it took me like two years of writing on my own and other RPs to get it up to almost high-casual and advanced standards. But in that time my long form in particular had improved drastically. Hell I'm still learning things, still learning to tell better stories. Because that is what we are all trying to do. So at this juncture in time, I can't accept you. But I encourage you to keep on writing, and like all us tell good stories. And if you want my detailed analysis of your sheet just ask and I'll PM it you with some suggestions on how to spruce it up, into an A1 steaksauce sheet. Sorry and thanks again.