[hider=Ulvkil Alfgeirsson][center] [b]Name:[/b] Ulvkil Alfgeirsson [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [hider=Appearance] [img]http://cdn.okccdn.com/php/load_okc_image.php/images/0x0/0x0/0/10932417754478802881.jpeg___1_500_1_500_cb94de6a_.png[/img] [/hider] [b]Class:[/b] [url=http://www.helloquizzy.com/results/the-fantasy-rpg-class-test/?var_ChaoticStability=4&var_AlchemicSorcery=0&var_ElementalArchery=1&var_NecromanticWizardry=4&fromCGI=1&var_Intelligence=4&var_Vitality=23&var_AngelicLuminosity=3&var_EnchantedEngineering=7&var_ExplosiveEnergy=0&var_DemonicInsanity=13&var_HiddenPower=2&var_Spirit=8&var_Agility=15&var_Bloodlust=25&var_Strength=32&var_PsionicForce=5]The Odin Warrior[/url] [b]Weapons:[/b] Weapons consist of the long sword and the spear in the picture. [b]Stats:[/b] [i]-Strength:[/i] 55% [i]-Bloodlust:[/i] 43% [i]-Intelligence:[/i] 8% [i]-Spirit:[/i] 15% [i]-Vitality:[/i] 40% [i]-Agility:[/i] 27% [b]Backstory:[/b] Ulvkil comes straight from a Northern mountain group of ruthless vikings. The tribe is quite kindhearted and has been around for years before other men decided to settle in the valley's and form kingdoms of their own. Ulvkil grew up with other young vikings during a time of peace. The men were still trained for battle and they were always told to show no sort of mercy, specifically to those who are considered the enemy. Ulvkil was raised by his father, Alfgeir Thorlaksson, a true warrior and hunter. Unfortunately, Ulvkil's mother died during his birth, and thus knows nothing of her. The death of his mother has been brought up by his father to be better at everything he does. He was taught to appreciate what he had. he was taught that his traditions should not be broken. Ulvkil learned many life lessons from his father. When Ulvkil was strong enough to hold a weapon, Alfgeir began to train him, as a hunter, as a warrior. Alfgeir taught his son how to preserve the meats, how to trade fur with outsiders, how to skin, how to gut and clean meat of a fresh kill. He taught his son that a fresh kill was not just for himself but for his village. Splitting the meat evenly between the village was the tradition, even if it was not a scarce resource among the village. Bartering was something that Ulvkil had learned, he didn't understand the language of the foreign settlers that began to take over the green lands down below the mountains. At the age of 11, Ulvkil went on his first hunt. He had killed the mother and father of a set of wolf pups. Feeling bad, he had begged his father to bring the pups back so the village could care for them. Ulvkil reasoned with his father that the pups could be used to help for hunting, or even war and defense if it ever fell upon the village. After a long argument his father finally agreed. The village was skeptical at first, but they found the dogs to be quite useful after a year when they were grown. Ulvkil was rewarded with keeping a pup for himself. At 14 Ulvkil was part of his first raid upon a group of settlers that had threatened their way of life and the land they lived on. The vikings were met with no real force. After several warnings, the people were slaughtered mercilessly and left for food. Supplies were taken and so were the survivors. Later in Ulvkil's 16th year of age, his father and mentor, Alfgeir, was killed in a "hunting accident." The death of Alfgeir brought great distress to Ulvkil and much of the village. Ulvkil obtained some useful information and put the pieces together. Within two weeks, Ulvkil challenged a fellow friends father, whom was just as strong as Alfgeir. The friend claimed blasphemy and swore to defend his father, even if it meant a dying breath. The father tried to get the village against Ulvkil, but they all knew the truth. Instead of exile, which the elder recommended, Ulvkil challenged the father and his son. The elder wasn't quite for it and tried to convince Ulvkil to accept the decision of exile. Ulvkil wouldn't budge and they allowed the challenge to take place. Ulvkil was armed with a long sword that was forged of mountain steel and the spear of his father, which is probably one of the strongest in the land. The orange cloth wrapped around the end was to honor his father. It was a piece of his own fathers clothing. The battle was long, bloody, and tiring. In the end, Ulvkil won, cutting the heads off of the traitors and handing them over to the elders. Their bloody bodies were placed on large wooden spikes and their heads were jammed on top to remind the villagers that traitors are not an exception. Ulvkil took the white war-horn that the Raider Captain's son had been given. Since the challenge, lives have returned to normal. Recently, raids have been more recent and Ulvkil has been training the younger generation of vikings with his fathers skills. The pup that Ulvkil had raised was now a strong companion at his side. [/center][/hider]