[indent][color=4af7f3][h3][I]R[/I]ules and Expectations [color=e15a5f]Ω[/color][/h3][/color][/indent] [indent][indent][color=e15a5f][xx1][/color][color=gray]-The decisions of the GM are final and absolute. If you have a specific issue or request, please feel free to PM me.[/color] [color=e15a5f][xx2][/color][color=gray]-Use courtesy and common sense. Play the game for the [i]story[/i], and not for the individual. No god-moding or similar action.[/color] [color=e15a5f][xx3][/color][color=gray]-Have fun, and be willing to participate actively.[/color] [color=e15a5f][i]A NOTE ON IN-GAME PHYSICS / TECH[/i][/color][color=gray]-The universe expressed here is a fanciful one, and as such, realism is not the primary concern. That being said, unbalancing the game via the use of some crazy technological super-thing ruins the experience for other players. Remember the common sense rule. [/color][/indent][/indent] [center][color=e15a5f][h3]I AM SEEKING 5-10 ACTIVE PLAYERS FOR THIS RP.[/h3][/color][/center] [indent][color=4af7f3][h3][I]C[/I]haracter Creation [color=e15a5f]Ω[/color][/h3][/color][/indent] [center][sup][color=e15a5f][x][/color][color=gray] You will be playing as a member of the elite 75th Clandestine Activities Group, known more commonly as the [i][b]7-5[/b][/i][/color] [color=e15a5f][x][/color][/sup][/center] [indent][indent][color=gray][b][i]N[/i]ame:[/b] [b][i]A[/i]ge:[/b] [b][i]G[/i]ender:[/b] (Male or Female) [b][i]R[/i]ank:[/b] (Between Sergeant and First Lieutenant--No Imperial Knights) [b][i]A[/i]ppearance:[/b] (Please utilize a real photograph, supplemented by description) [b][i]H[/i]istory / [i]B[/i]ackground:[/b] [b][i]P[/i]ersonality:[/b] (Use up to FIVE one word descriptors to give a quick feel for your character's personailty) [b][i]S[/i]pecialties:[/b] (As a member of an elite unit, all characters will have enhanced senses, reflexes, strength and stamina, as well as YETI implants. However, individuals may have more inherent skills or added attributes related to a certain aspect of combat. You may be creative here, but please remember the common sense rule—characters need to be balanced to be realistic and playable. Please limit specialties to TWO.)[/color][/indent][/indent] [center][color=e15a5f][h3]SUBMIT CHARACTER SHEETS VIA PM FOR APPROVAL.[/h3][/color][/center]