[@Saint Girralo] [h3]Jonathan Joestar[/h3] Jonathan had been released from the hospital, or 'med-bay' as the staff insisted on calling it, exactly ten days prior. His stay had been remarkably comfortable, and the young Joestar was deeply thankful for all the doctors had done for him. Since then, Jonathan had been spending his time exercising, eating, and sleeping. He'd lost his edge, and it cost him his life once. If Jonathan was going to protect his family and friends, he needed to be in tip-top shape. His honour as a Joestar demanded no less than the best, after all. At present, JoJo was making his way through the Capital Ship's myriad corridors, headed towards the Fitness centre. It was on the 5th floor of the ship, fairly close to the 'med-bay,' fittingly enough. On that note, Jonathan found it rather odd they called it a 'ship,' when it was closer to a mobile city in size. Even his family's mansion was miniscule in comparison. He'd explored naught but a fraction of it so far, yet Jonathan had encountered hundreds of different people, all varying wildly in mannerisms and method of dress. [i]It really is an astounding place, perhaps I could bring Erina here, once this is all over. I'm certain she would...[/i] Jonathan's train of thought promptly ground to a halt, interrupted by what sounded like a fist striking metal. It came from down the hallway, was repeating, and grew fainter with each strike. Moving to investigate, Jonathan soon himself standing before a large door marked as someone's personal laboratory. More importantly, there appeared to be someone locked inside, and practically covered in injuries. While he wasn't one to trespass on private property, the young Joestar couldn't simply leave the man in there to bleed out. "Step back from the door," Jonathan yelled at the man,"I'm going to break it open." JoJo stepped up to the door, drew back his left arm, and clenched his fist. Jonathan's breathing became steady and rhythmic, causing his body to glow with a golden aura that crackled with electricity. "[b]LOCK SHATTER OVERDRIVE![/b]" Naming the technique on the fly, he slammed his fist into the door and discharged a wave of Ripple energy. Despite its sturdy construction, the door was unable to completely absorb the burst of solar energy, creating a fist-sized opening. Capitalizing on this immediately, Jonathan placed a hand on both halves of the door and forcibly pulled it open. With the obstacle removed, Jonathan immediately made his way over to the injured man. "Take my hand, I'll get you to the hospital." [i]Then I'll have to apologize to the lab's owner for breaking their door. I'm certain they'll understand if I explain the circumstances.[/i]