[img]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/cooltext141339446595706_zps6fzmac2f.png[/img] (OOC Blow me is phrase used to describe sudden excitement. Not a sexual innuendo.) The frozen streets of Lost Haven were more open than those of New York less jam packed with cars and traffic; the streets still had sheets of ice underneath them and those careless drivers still slid as they rounded corners. The citizens strode past bundled up head to toe as Eva pulled the zipper of her hoodie higher. [color=00aeef]Gonna need something warmer, maybe I should head home soon[/color]. Gunfire erupted in far off corners of the city robbers or villains Eva could only guess as she blew warm air into her hands and briskly rubbed them together. Heroes flew by and others sped through the cold streets in their various vehicles some were obviously more advanced with weapon systems and afterburners. With her hands in her pockets Eva rolled the red gem she still had with her from that monster earlier between her fingers; it had a certain warmth about it. [color=00aeef]I really need to do something about this thing, maybe a box[/color]. Eva thought as she had walked quite a distance from where she stepped through the doorway not knowing just how far she’s walked. Stores and buildings looked different and in stages of disrepair as shady characters moved about coming to and from shops some looked straight out of the fifties in dapper suits and fedoras others dressed like street thugs with fluffy winter jackets and chain belts. They glared at her as she picked up her pace, she needed to find any information regarding this Villain but asking random flunkies wouldn’t yield any useful information, she’d needed to go elsewhere find something where evil mingled. Her eyes wandered towards the street signs but none of the names gave her an idea of where in town she really was. Little Sicily one of the many corners of Lost Haven was a place many miscreants gathered among the dockworkers. Eva did note that she saw a few who looked like sailors or well she kinda assumed they were by their dress. Evil eyes stared her down as she lost her way down the maze like back alleys until she saw the waterfront its waves splashing against the docks. Her blue eyes darted towards a nearby pub as she slowly walked over the name Finnegans could be read over the doorframe. The Bouncer standing by the door turned his head ever so slightly towards her as she approached. He cracked his knuckles between his large fists as Eva neared closer. “Ain’t no place for kittens. Enter at your own risk.” Moving not a muscle the Bouncer stood statuesque at his post. Eva creaked the door open and entered mustering all the courage she had, as she stepped through the doorway a lump grew in her throat as the smog washed over her body escaping the enclosed building. Chuckles were had as a boisterous laughter echoed from the back corners. Some went silent watching this person walk into their pub while the bartender Ollie Barnes swept broken glass off the floor with a worn broom its bristles fanned out and its shaft long lost its luster. In this dingy pub filled to the brim with smoke and men all of whom with scars or weathered faces. Tattoos stretched from head to toe underneath the layers of clothing. Eva tried to shake off her nervousness as she approached the bar her hood hanging far over her head. The Bartender gently set aside the old broom. “What’ca buying.” “[color=00aeef]I. um. Information[/color].” Eva said clearing her throat as the bartender leaned with both of his elbows on the counter. “U[color=00aeef]h. Who would know about this Pax Metahumana[/color]?” The Bartender remained silent as he eyed the young girl as an overweight man called out for a beer. “ANOTHER Round Ollie!” “[color=00aeef]So about that Pax Metahumana[/color].” Eva asked while the Bartender Ollie yanked the spout on the dispenser. “Even if I knew, you ain’t a paying customer. Unless you got a suitcase full of cash stuffed under your clothes I got nothin’ for you.” Ollie said just before walking over to Tubbs’ table. It was a lot easier fighting a giant tentacle beast then acquiring information for this latest threat. Eva thought as she wondered what she’d do. “You still here” The Bartender said as he slowly returned to his counter. His hands spread out over the old scratched wood countertop as he ran a wet rag back and forth. Eva knew she needed answers, but while combat felt more natural her interrogation skills were lacking. “[color=00aeef]I wanted information[/color].” Barnes continued to wipe his counter while two men stood up from nearby tables. Grasping short stubbed bats approaching with a quickened pace. “And I think it’s time you left.” Barnes said with a smirk across his face. With a sigh Eva rolled her head and turned to meet the two bouncers. “[color=00aeef]Well I suppose this is one thing I can actually do right[/color].” The bouncers chuckled as they took stand on either side of her no doubt obscene thoughts ran through their minds. But when they reached out to her arms a sword materialized in her left hand shaking the bouncers from their joyful thoughts and sounding the alarm to the other patrons to take up arms. Immediately rising from their seats with the lard of fat throwing his chair backwards into the wall. “Right then we got ourselves a trouble making meta. We won’t rough you up, much.” Tubbs said once the other bouncers and patrons circled around her. Slamming batons into the palms of their hands they striked swinging high the one of Eva’s left bring down his left arm which she side stepped as another swiped her ribcage knocking her aside. Another woman came from the back room and smashed a beer bottle across her face drawing her own blood as she smiled wickedly while another bouncer took Excalibur’s pommel right to his face cracking his jaw and spewing saliva over the floor. “Right you boys having a hard time are you?” She said as Eva swung her swords’ guard right towards her head which left her unfazed in the slightest, and worst off she gripped the sheath of Excalibur. “You should really unsheath your sword, this is what you bloody goody two shoes get when you play nice.” The meta said gripping Eva’s hair and wincing her down to the floor. Her eyes met with Eva’s as she was taken back by her appearance. “Eva. Eva Walsh. Well blow me, here I though I’d never see you again.” “[color=00aeef]Bollocks.. Hey Stephanie[/color].” “Oh. You knew who I was, well good on ya to remember me.”