[center] [img=http://www.studentsoftheworld.info/sites/misc/img/33070_1159718055_SadAnimeGirl.jpg] [b]Name:[/b] Imalia 'Twitch' Beaufort. [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Ethnicity:[/b] English. [b]Race:[/b] Hard to tell sometimes, human. [b]Personality:[/b] Imalia's offline personality could be considered ghost like, she is a very quiet girl, naive and innocent in many a way and easily lead astray. She is curious to a fault though often seems confused or uncertain on things which makes her seem airy and absent minded. She comes across quite stoic in person, incapable of expressing much emotion until one gets to know her and on the rare occasion she is convinced to speak it is in quiet monotones. She may come across disinterested or without passion or personality but in truth she just doesn't know how to interact well with people and gets cripplingly shy. Her online presence used on her many online accounts however is much different, those in regular conversation with her know that she is a bubbly and intelligent woman, opinionated but funny and always willing to listen to problems and offer advice. One would over all consider her a loyal person and once getting passed her personal barriers consider her a dependable friend. [b]Strengths:[/b] She speaks four languages aside English, these are Latin, Russian, Japanese and French. She doesn't bend or break easily under interrogation. She is very dexterous/agile. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] She doesn't like 'high traffic' areas due to the confusing signals. Also doesn't like 'dead' zones where there are no signals. She has a phobia of water having never learned to swim (despite having read all the manuals). She finds it hard to communicate in a form that is not via internet/text and often comes across disinterested. She is curious which can get her into trouble along with her inexperience in the 'real' world. She can be 'virused' which will temporarily shut down her ability if she links to a virus by mistake. Electrical pulses and black outs can affect her ability leaving her 'cut off'. [b]Weapons:[/b] Electrical whip, known to be hard to control the thin tail of the whip carries a charge strong enough to knock an average man unconscious upon successful connection or deliver a stinging and somewhat painful zap when caught with its tip. It is a non-lethal weapon that was supposed to be used by police officers in order to stop 'accidental' kills though decommissioned soon after its use due to the difficulties it caused including shorting out their own cars, shocking themselves, damage to property and missing the intended target completely. She also [b]can[/b] use a bow but hasn't got one. [b]Power:[/b] To her the information highway is an open book and she [b]is[/b] the road map, as long as she is somewhere where there is 'signal' she can use it to connect to and infiltrate the internet or even your phone. Though it is more complicated than it sounds, she has to find and pluck the right data stream and while some information is easily obtained she has to work at and hack into more secure networks and sites. While currently she uses her brains 'portable wi-fi' as a means to simply gather information and monitor and manager her various online accounts on places like facebook, my space, twitter, tumbler and so on, she can also use it to send someone a text, make a phone call or connect to someones computer or lap top. [Will go into more detail if needed] [b]Family History:[/b] Her mother was a botanist, worked with plants, especially endangered and rare ones while her father the 'real bread winner' went out and worked as a salary man to pay for her constant medical bills. The two divorced a few years before she got out of the 'bubble' but haven't had the heart to tell her. They are both on good speaking terms but her mother is now with another woman and they are dating casually and her father is still too busy at work to find another love. She has no more immediate family and has a grandmother on her fathers side as well as a few cousins who are rarely spoken of and even rarer seen. She has a prominent and important -to her- friend on one of her online accounts called 'BlackEagle342' and speaks to 'him' more often than most other people on her combined accounts. [b]History:[/b] Imalia was born with a rare genetic disease which meant her immune system simply didn't turn on, this left her susceptible to everything and incapable of having normal vaccinations to keep her safe from even the most simple of illnesses. She lived her life in a sterilised hospital room, inside a large glass box where she had a bed, tv and table along with any things she was permitted by her doctors to have go through the rigorous hygiene and sterilization tests. For many years her only contact was talking through glass to her family and the bi-weekly blood tests via thick rubber gloves on the other side of a snug little cubicle made for such. Once a month she would be put in what she referred to as 'the cupboard' which would be sealed while her room was disinfected and cleaned. She missed a lot of education but determined not to let their daughter grow up ignorant they employed a man to teach her through the glass and he came once a week to teach her reading, writing and maths among other subjects such as history, politics, foreign languages, geography and science. Of all of these her favourite lessons were geography and often she derailed a lesson so she could discuss worlds outside of her little bubble. Sometimes he bought her pictures and those that weren't ruined by the decontamination process showed her beautiful scenes that seemed other worldly to her. By the time she was eleven she had finally convinced the staff to get he a laptop and while they were unhappy with such they relented and sealed the entire item in soft rubber to 'trap' the germs that would have otherwise accumulated. She spent time via this medium learning more about the outside world and watching videos, determined to one day be able to go out and experience it first hand. Her chance came and her family were, while understandably nervous, overjoyed at the prospect of her having a normal life out in the air where she could enjoy the world as a 'normal' teenager. She died twice on the table and was revived but after the operation she seemed to get so much better. Once the wounds were healed she was monitored for a month or two and then finally allowed to take her first steps outside that room since she had been an infant. Now capable of attending an actual school she eagerly enrolled to be quickly disappointed by peoples attitudes and behaviors. She was 'the freak' with 'a metal heart' and the bullying and teasing while rarely physical was merciless. Her 'enlightenment' to her gift was rather by accident and in fact worsened her circumstances, quite by chance she was passing quietly through her home town and caught her teacher taking 'advantage' of one of her students. Naturally she reported this and naturally they considered her a liar, she was suspended and the bullying intensified but she was so sure of what she had seen and the boy in question had not returned to school despite his parents attempting to bring him in daily. When she returned the bullying turned physical and when she received bullying from a teacher too she lost her temper, screaming she wasn't lying the school system was invaded and every computer screen flickered alive with the time delayed pictures from various security cameras. Showing, without a shadow of a doubt, the teacher and pupil in a discussion, which turned heated before said student was more or less dragged into a hotel notorious as a 'sex' hotel. The teacher was fired and she was formerly apologized to but then expelled for her 'atrocious hacking' of the school's system. Smart dressed men turned up a few weeks later and offered her a job, her mother refused them at first but they approached Imalia directly and she was kidnapped off the streets. [/center]