Poking in to say that I'm going to begin working on a CS. That's a lie. I've [i]technically [/i]begun to work on a CS, it's just that instead of writing anything down I've been getting myself distracted by Wiki-walks and so, so many videos of slightly creepy Japanese androids. Let's call it research. [hider=Seriously, it's kinda nightmarish but I can't stop][img]http://rack.3.mshcdn.com/media/ZgkyMDE0LzA2LzI1L2UwL1JvYm90R0lGMS5hZTQyZC5naWYKcAl0aHVtYgkxMjAweDk2MDA-/ae9e4115/02e/Robot-GIF-1.gif[/img][/hider] [@Hexaflexagon]I actually did wanna run a few things by you while I continue to [s]spend literally hours thinking up a handle that's cool but not too cool and watching videos of dentistry robots[/s] brainstorm up my character. 1) The Net. It's been a hot minute since I've read Neuromancer, and I remember, um, names and that's about it. I take it that Sparks (or maybe everyone?) plug themselves in through some kind of pseudo-USB cable and, like, digitally upload their mind to the Net, yeah? Would they run risks of getting their brains fried from digital security measures like firewalls or being forcibly unplugged (like how my iPod warns me about the dangers of disconnecting before ejecting), or are they relatively secure from having their minds melted (like how disconnecting my iPod without ejecting has never actually done anything bad)? Likewise, would Sparks trying to hack into Corps be able to do it from the outside, or would Corps have a secure kind of Intranet/LAN that can only be accessed from inside thus requiring Divers to clear a path for Sparks and/or be Sparks themselves? Also, everything on the Net that an average user would see would pretty much be controlled by Corps and loaded with subtle and not-so-subtle advertisements, yeah? Because I just want to imagine someone using the Net as a VR escape to relax on a digital beach drinking a digital beer after a hard day of trawling or tedious pencil pushing only for them to be interrupted by a Neo-Comcast pop-up informing them why their VirtualXcape is so much better than the free Veach app they're using. 2) Since most Divers, Enforcers, and Spooks are all Cybered up would EMPs be an available and common countermeasure against them? Say a duder has cyber legs and eyes, would an EMP temporarily make him blind and lame or just remove the added perks of the cyber parts? Or would it be something more like EMPs work against straight electronics, but a special lining mixed with the organic parts mixed with hand-waving for the sake of fun means EMPs wouldn't effect augmentations? [sub]...EMP Grenades? Okay I'll stop.[/sub] 3) This one's just a character concept: former Spook from a Corp that went belly up whose once cutting edge stealth augmentations are now outdated when compared to modern Spooks forcing them to become a Diver. They'd be heavily augmented, but it would all be through subdermal implants with the intention of making them appear completely human. However, the implants were not as sleek as they are these days, giving them a sort of uncanny valley vibe (hence why I'm watching so many goddamn videos of creepy baby robots). I figure the inelegant and sorta creepy appearance of the "just-not-quite-right" augments coupled with the mass market appeal being focused on those damn sleek and sexy robot parts would be the major reason their former Corp went bankrupt.