[quote=@The Darklight Project] On another note, I know Christopher might be a surprising name for this kind of roleplay, and I apologize for that. That was the name the character first had, and I don't have the urge to change it yet, so even though there might not be a Christ in Origin, screw it. [/quote] I love your almost neurotic worries about the most mundane of issues. Wouldn't have even blinked an eye at the name until you mentioned it. Like literally every somewhat common Western name is somehow derived from the Bible or Game of Thrones, and as long as nobody names their character Daenerys Iscariot then I don't think there's really any issue. Hell, it's better than following the Atrophy School of Naming where you just steal shit from mythology, song titles, or the Irish. [@Aya the Small]Oh hey welcome by the way!