[b]"Aye."[/b] Daniel said, adjusting so that he could take a look at Iris' good leg. [b]"'Tis a delicate art o' me craft. Ye see how each joint moves an' then ye see wha' ye can do t' manage th' pain."[/b] he explained, as much for Bane's benefit as for Iris'. [b]"Yer knee moves well, but not th' same as yer good leg."[/b] He said, feeling exasperated. [b]"Me thinks me 'as an idea... We can go over i' in th' mornin', if tha' suits you."[/b] he continued. It was odd, but he simply wanted to curl up in a soft bed with a soft woman. It was soothing somehow an not all brothel girls would allow such a dent in their profits. It was a silly want at this point in time however, he may be beginning to dream while awake.