Iris nodded and said "I think I will...the captain has been wanting me to try and fix the problem...and I hate to worry her so much..." Bane got up, taking another drink and helped Iris down from the table. "I'll bring her back in the morning, Doc...and I will make sure she doesn't move it either..." Iris gave him a look and Bane smiled. "What? A friend can't be concerned?" Iris rolled her eyes and said "Have a good sleep, Doctor..." After they left and the Doctor was about to head to bed there was a knock on the door and Scarlet came in, her young face seeming to brighten the dark space. "Evening Doctor...I was hoping to catch you before you went to bed...the captain had asked me to bring this to you before but I...well, I forgot until now" She brought in a tray with a tea pot and a mug, an assortment of teas and herbs on it along with a covered bowl. "She always says that after a fight, the doctor is the one who gets to bed last...and she asked me to make sure that you had a nice cup of English tea before you headed to bed..." She walked over to the table, her skirt bouncing slightly as she walked. She was young for her place in the kitchen, her hair in two ponytails now swaying with her movements. She turned and smiled at the Doctor, her cheeks rosy from her working in the steam kitchen. "Oh, and I have put young Amelia in my cabin as well. She is asleep now, and I feel she will be just fine in the morning. Seeing the battle remains on the deck scared her a bit but I hope she over came that by helping the crew..." She sighed and rubbed her eyes, looking tired herself. "Is there anything else I can bring you? I saved some stew for you in the bowl on the tray in case you needed some food before you headed to bed..." She looked at him and frowned a little. "Are you alright, Master Daniel? You look more then just tired..." She looked around and said "I think I unpacked some bottles of rum in here somewhere..."