I was thinking of an a fun idea that might give a different perspective on the word villain. Going through all the experiences of RPs, villains can sometimes be unique and sometimes you even feel for the villain, but at the end of the day it's your goal for as the good guy to beat them and end their "evil" plans. I was thinking, what about the villains, yeah sure some of them can be insane or really evil, but they still are doing things they see as the right way (I mean lets be honest, there's some people on the planet that just aren't worth saving and getting rid of some of them isn't gunna hurt anyone right?). So this Rp is the premise that you will be playing the villain, one of many (I kinda wanted to get maybe 4 or 5?), on the planet city ARCADIA. [hider=Arcadia][img]http://www.wall321.com/thumbnails/detail/20120228/cityscapes%20futuristic%20science%20fiction%20artwork%20adrift%201920x1200%20wallpaper_www.wall321.com_91.jpg[/img][/hider] The role play would have a pretty linear plot, following an arc like approach if it gets up on it's feet with a good start. We'd follow our villainous group in the plot to do what they see fit for the city, occasionally the hero group might appear and thus begin one of the many eventful battles that happen when the superpowered houses collide with each other, any takers? I was actually thinking of making this a much bigger thing, maybe making a second RP but with the exact same premise, only playing the hero's side, and having them react to things from this thread, and vice versa, it was a concept that i haven't seen it might lead to some really awesome things maybe, and every now and then have the threads meet in either side, maybe have like a small poll to decide in which thread and that would determine the outcome of the battle? Im super open to suggestions, i'd prefer it actually, for this to work, i would need at least 8 people in total, 10 preferably, so there's 5 on each side, as 4 is just a tad bit small, but it can still work, any takers? If you guys have any questions before joining, ask away!