[center] [b]Name:[/b] Adam Novak [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Rank:[/b] Pack Male [hider=Skin Description][img]http://decoy.tvpassport.com/sites/default/files/A2-120315.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Fur Description][img]http://www.americanforests.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Gray-wolf.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]In-Depth Description: [/b] Adam is 5'8 and weighs 150 lbs and keeps his black hair in decent shape, not really bothered about it most of the time. Adam's wolf form stands at 48" though only weighing 195 lbs, his frame being less refined or balanced he tends to not look as bulky or muscled as the older wolves but lean. While his family all had the more common brown or orange eyes in wolf form, oddly enough he got yellow. [b]Basic Personality:[/b] Adam is usually more headstrong and stubborn, but with the direction his life has taken he's trying to take it down a notch. Rejection of such a magnitude has put things in perspective for him as well as done more damage than he realizes. While he tries, he tends to do a terrible job at expressing his true feelings. While not one to really get angry easily he does tend to get loud and frustrated, which can be mistaken for anger. [b]Brief History: [/b] Adam's tale is one too common in both the Lycan world and the Human one. The pack he and his parents belonged to was very strict and set in their ways, so when he came out to his parents that he was gay they asked that he keep it to himself. It worked for a few years, until he was seventeen and one of his friends in the pack stumbled upon him with another guy. The boy he had thought was his friend didn't hesitate to relay this information to the pack and through a trial of old beliefs in an arguably outdated system he was banished. So as not to put their young daughter at risk Adam's parents decided to separate. Sarah, their mother left the pack alongside Adam while Nolan, their father stayed to raise their daughter. The plan was for Adam and his mother to try and lead a normal life until they found a pack that would take them in, this proved more difficult than they thought. Then nearly eight months later Sarah disappeared, just never coming home from her job at the local supermarket. After waiting a few days and continuing his life it became clear she was gone, either having gone back to the pack or being taken out by a hunter he wasn't sure. There was one thing he knew though, going it alone wasn't going to cut it. Joining up with others was the only option, and if a hunter had indeed killed his mother then it was dangerous to stay. Now he's found a pack that is only just forming and he really wants this to work... No, he [i]needs [/i]this to work. [b]Extra:[/b] + His biggest flaw is his inexperience. + Being banished and abandoned hurt more than he'll ever care to admit to anyone, including himself. + Secretly enjoys dancing. + Enjoys cold weather. [/center]