[H3][b]Arvis & Lyrena - The Inn[/B][/H3] The commotion in at the Inn had cooled down somewhat and now all eyes were flitting over to the table where the large blond man sat. He wasn't a stranger in anyone’s eyes yet he was someone who you didn't particularly want see hang around you, as it normally spelt bad news for you. Cyril had now left the table after a very brief meeting, he approached the rest of the group just as Arvis arrived, who thought it kind to purchase a beverage for everyone. He now leaned across the table and placed the tray of drinks down, sure he had remembered what everyone liked but if not, well, he is only human. Lyrena reached over from her seat at the table and grasped her drink, sipping it elegantly as it reached her pursed lips. She waited anxiously for what she thought was to be the final briefing before the big journey to Gurata. Arvis pulled up a chair next to Lyrena and eyeballed the new additions to the party curiously. Damon Dubois was a worshipper of the Divines and one that Arvis had heard quite a lot about in his travels, he was as tough as they came and completely unforgiving. Whatever their mission was in Gurata, it must be something of great importance and great danger for Cyril to invite him along. The mood at the table changed as Vesta and Ennis took their seats, Vesta cut straight to the point in questioning Damon and his intentions, Arvis noticed Ennis starting to look a little flustered and decided to steer the conversation elsewhere, not so much for Ennis, but for everyone else; if Damon struck Vesta he knew that Vesta wouldn't be the only one retaliating. [B]"Your highness, I am sure in my words when I say that we all know who this gentleman is ..."[/b] he gestured with his hands toward Damon, [B]"but my question is, what is it we are to find in Gurata that requires the assistance of the Divine Paladin?"[/b] Arvis finished and took a sip of Whiskey from his tumbler.