[b]四百二十燃やせ!!![/b] Participants: Dragon Rayo, Miyu, Orion, Takeyoshi [hider=My Hider] [i]Error 404: Brain not found[/i] Seriously, how did you come to the conclusion that jumping back into the fray was going to help anybody? I mean, sure, you may throw a few people onto the rooftops without crippling them for life but who’s going to save you when the Hunt comes for you? Didn’t think this through, eh genius? Fortune in misfortune is that the cloud is still quite a distance away, and although it is coming at the fast pace you still have time to bail. That is, if the wolves don’t get you. And they are coming for you, fast! Three of them, engulfed in the red vapour that is very close to looking like an actual fire, were charging at you baring their bloodied fangs. Decide quickly what’re you gonna do, ‘cause those things look painful as ****. [hr] OMG did he just jump back in? Geez, you need to stick to the plan! STICK TO THE PLAN GUYS! Oh wait, you don’t have a plan. Hah, what can I say, you’re screwed. [i]Or are you? [/i] Four loud BANGs could be heard in quick succession as the red orbs Miyu unleashed met their marks and exploded, sending the wolves who were just a moment ago rapidly climbing the building back to the ground. The familiar sound of dog’s cry reached your ears. If they were any prettier you might feel guilty, but they’re ugly, and scary so who cares? They did not die, however, but instead rose up and returned back to the large cloud. Rooftop seems to be safe, for now. Good job Miyu!... [hr] As you press the [b]YES[/b] button the pain is suddenly replaced with a new, peculiar feeling. Although the mist continues to envelop you and invades your eyes, ears, nose and mouth, a sense of relaxation spreads throughout you. Your mind sinks into a state of pleasant haze, disconnecting you from the world. Your limbs are sending you signals that something strange is happening to them, but you don’t- no, you are unable to care. Whatever is happening to your mind it prevents you from focusing your thoughts enough so you can figure out what is happening to your body. This state lasts only for a few moments, but once the haze clears you immediately realize what’s wrong. You have a muzzle. You are standing on four legs. You have paws with very sharp-looking claws. If you try to let out a sound from your mouth wolfish snarl reaches your ears. And there’s the smell. A very pleasant smell invades your nostrils and like a hook it draws out a hunger from within you. You feel the urge to run, to reach the source of that smell, to catch it, tear it apart. Your vision goes red, your body is brimming with primeval strength, it desires to be let loose upon the beings which smell so sweet. Your breath goes heavy, your mouth water. [i]You want to hunt![/i] So, what are you waiting for? Run! Let loose your hunger, your strength, and hunt to your heart’s content! [i]RUN![/i] [/hider]