[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LjE2YWM5Ni5SMlYwZEdsdVp5QlRjSEoxYm1jLC4w/ringlet.regular.png[/img] [img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwa959Nmap1qlzs4mo1_500.gif[/img] [img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/eb0fb276d6a8c601f6ff9997d44a71bb/tumblr_mwd8x0AHEX1t11xbmo1_500.gif[/img] Location: The Verona Clinic Interacting with: Eachother [hr][hr][/center] Alicia sat in her hospital bed with a tray in her lap with a half eaten pizza as well as a glass of water, she turned on the television the news was already on. She took another bite of her pizza as she watched Alice's mom doing a report of what had happened yesterday, bringing up Rachel Lewis up once again. Taking note of what the officer said through the screen, she took another sip of her water and turned to look at Katalina they have been hanging out since their visit with Scout. [color=cyan]"So what are you going to be doing tonight?"[/color] Alicia asked, Alicia's mother would be at the clinic in about an hour to discharge her. [color=00b3b3]"Laying in the clinic bed and contemplating how the universe can be so awesome and so cruel at the same time. I mean, yes no school, but Rachel is dead, a bunch of us are still injured, and well... grounded for all eternity as it turns out."[/color] Katalina sighed a bit as she leaned back in the chair and scrunched up her nose a bit. [color=00b3b3]'Enforced curfew huh? I wonder how quickly that will be broken by someone. Any bets on who does it first?"[/color] Kata turned to Alicia with a half-smirk on her face, but it didn't quite reach up to her eyes. [color=cyan]"Well no school is a good thing I guess, more time for us to hang out together if your parents let us do it anyway."[/color] Alicia said setting her tray down beside her and leaned back in her bed looking back at Katalina and smirked at her. [color=cyan]"If and when Jade gets out probably her, or Jay since he can pretty much warp to anywhere he wants without being caught."[/color] Alicia then reached out to gently hold Katalina's hand. [color=cyan]"I could come back tomorrow when you get discharged and we can hang out if you want."[/color] [color=00b3b3]"Well since you're mom will be off of work and at your house, I should be able to come over to hang out. Their stipulation to the grounding was that if I went over to friends places, one of their parents had to be there watching to make sure I wasn't sneaking out more, or something like that I guess."[/color] Kata happily took Alicia's hand and gave it a small squeeze. [color=00b3b3]"And if you can come back tomorrow, I'd appreciate that. And yes, I guess that is true, Jay can go where ever he wants... but with who his step-dad is... that is going to be fun. Also, maybe we should meet up with Jade once she gets out of the clinic as well. I'm sure she'd love the company."[/color] Alicia grinned when Kata took her hand and leaned down to gently kiss it. [color=cyan]"I'll ask my mom once she comes in to pick me up, and then i'll text your mom to see if she could give me a ride whenever you are getting out."[/color] Alicia grabbed her glass of water once more and took another sip of it, quickly thinking of Jade she had to agree and she did feel bad seeing Jade like that earlier in the day when they went to see her. [color=cyan]"I agree with you, whenever Jade is feeling better we can take her out to coffee or something."[/color] Kata blushed for a moment when Ali kissed her hand and nodded. [color=00b3b3]"Sounds good to me. Both plans. You have Jade's number so if you don't mind texting and asking her when she gets out then?"[/color] She gently picked up Ali's hand and kissed it in return. [color=00b3b3]"I'm sure mom will be more than happy to give you a ride, but I think with all the kids running around town, they might need extra help at the store, so she might ask your mom for some help getting the two of us to and from places."[/color] She seemed to chuckle a bit at the thought. Alicia blushed slightly when she felt her girlfriend's lips pressing against her hand and smiled she felt so happy to be with her. [color=cyan]"I'll text Jade when I get home, and get settled down in the family room."[/color] Alicia said lifting her leg slightly. [color=cyan]"I wouldnt be able to go upstairs in my room cuz of this thing."[/color] Alicia said with a sigh. Alicia giggled at her girlfriend. [color=cyan]"I would probably rely on everyone to drive me places for the next several weeks."[/color] Alicia gently squeezed Katalina's hand. [color=00b3b3]"Sounds like me, you know how I'm always bumming rides."[/color] Kata chuckled at that and leaned in to kiss Alicia on the cheek. [color=00b3b3]"Yeah, I can see the stairs being a pain for the next month or so. But, if I remember that pull out couch your family has, it is pretty nice."[/color] [color=cyan]"That couch is really comfy when you pull it out into a bed, but I wont have much privacy to do what I want though and I would have to share the tv which sucks."[/color] Alicia smiled when Katalina kissed her on the cheek and quickly leaned forward to kiss Katalina lovingly on her lips. She held the kiss there for awhile, when she heard the door opening and looked up to see her mother standing in front of the door. [color=00b3b3]"I should probably go. I'll see you tomorrow I'm sure."[/color] Katalina stood up and smiled and waved to Mrs. Smith. [color=00b3b3]"Take care."[/color] Alicia blushed deeply looking up at her mother. [color=cyan]"Learn to knock mom jeeze.."[/color] Alicia said completely embarrased as she stood up and quickly hopped over towards her girlfriend and pulled her into one last hug and kissed her on the cheek. [color=cyan]"I love you so much Kat."[/color] Alicia said softly she didnt want to leave her girlfriend just yet, her eyes meeting Katalina's gently running a hand through Kat's soft red hair lovingly. Katalina's face was soon as red as her hair, as she leaned back to kiss Alicia back on the cheek. [color=00b3b3]"I love you too, Ali. I'll see you tomorrow, for sure."[/color] Kata spoke softly and ran her own hand through Ali's hair before leaving the room. Alicia felt her heart flutter when Kat said she loved her as well and kissed her on the cheek, and watched as her girlfriend left the room. Alicia watched as her mother started gathering her things. [color=lightblue]"Ready to go hun?" [/color]Alicia's mother smiled seeing the two of them together, Alicia nodded slowly. [color=cyan]"Yep i'm ready.."[/color]Alicia said as she went over to grab her crutches and started to head out of her hospital room, looking back at Katalina one last time and waved goodbye once more. Alicia and her mother went to the front desk, and then went to sign her out as well as handing her the painkillers that she would need for the next couple of days. Then they headed out and back towards her home.