[h1]Igarashi Isamu[/h1] Just another school day over, another slog through an attempt at everyday life completed without incident. Isamu sighed in relief as he walked down the street with his backpack slung over his shoulder. Not attracting attention to yourself was a lot harder to pull off when you were actively trying to do it, but ever since a few incidents in elementary school that had been exactly what he'd had to do just about every day. After all, he had no desire to be looked at as a freak and potentially hauled away to some lab to be experimented on by mad scientists to see what made him tick. Especially when he didn't even know what it was that made him tick. For now he was just glad to be on his way back home and out of any situation where he might have to reveal himself, even if those mostly came in the form of gym class and occasional harassment from one bigshot or another these days. Yes, thankfully Isamu's life was as ordinary as could be, or so he hoped. Rokuro was a peaceful place, and though he didn't always appreciate it as much as he should, it really was a nice place to live. Yeah, days like this where Isamu could just relax and know the hardest part of the day was behind him were the best. Later, he would realize he had never been more wrong.