I'm Soo Yung which is a nickname my family has always had for me especially my parents and grandmother. I'm a twenty-one year old community college student who just started her first semester last month. I've been roleplaying since I was around eleven or twelve in chat rooms and old forums from anime fan sites like InuYasha and Doraemon (I grew up with that show as a kid). I love video gaming with a passion and am a console player because I'm too poor for PC gaming but I do like to watch Let's Plays on YouTube frequently with PewDiePie, Markiplier, SeaNanners, Game Grumps, and Cry being my favorites. I'm more of a lover of movies than TV but I do watch My Little Pony, Steven Universe, Bob's Burgers, The Blacklist, and Supernatural. I love journaling and listening to music wherever I go. I hope to participate in roleplays soon because I'm really itching to write! Thank you.