I'll migrate my WIP over from the previous thread to this one. [hider=Big WIP] [center][color=00BFFF][h3]Zephyrion[/h3][/color][/center] [center][b]Alias:[/b] The Eternal Sky; Storm's King; The First Gale[/center] [center][b]Domains/Portfolios:[/b] Change (Air)[/center] [center][b]Domains/Portfolios Description:[/b][/center] From the moment that the world was born and the First Gale billowed into existence, he decided for himself one great purpose (or perhaps it had been imbibed into his very creation; it matters not) : he would endlessly oppose all stagnation. The universe would ever be in motion, undergoing change, blown forward by the winds of time rather than steadfastly sinking into the depths of emptiness. Zephyrion proclaimed it so, and so it shall be. This force of change that Zephyrion contributed to the world's seed acts autonomously, but he can still wield those primordial powers that he helped create, and bend them to carry out his will. The air with its wind and storms is change manifested physically, and as such it obeys Zephyrion's will before that of any other. As a result, lightning and storms in particular are some of the god's favorite tools and weapons. They are violent, sudden, unstoppable, unpredictable...all things that a divine should wield. Everything from blessing the driest deserts with rain and life to eroding the greatest mountains to dust fall under the realm of his domain. Change is a broad, ceaseless, and unpredictable thing, and so Zephyrion's powers are not so limited and he can work his will in a variety of ways. Just as the Storm's King can end a mortal's existence by revoking its very right to breathe, so too can the mightiest of raging infernos be brought to heed. Fire itself is a slave to the air that it must consume, and it is only another form of raw change. As such, Zephyrion's domain lends him some degree of control over even things such as fire, warmth, and cold. [center][b]Alignment:[/b] Chaotic Neutral[/center] [center]Good and evil hold no power over the wind, whose only concern is blowing ever forward and carrying along whatever it will.[/center] [center][b]Gender:[/b] [/center] Such a distinction is meaningless and cannot describe a being like Zephyrion, whose nature is akin to the eddies and gales that the god controls. The wind is tumultuous, wild, and chaotic. At times it can bring rain that nourishes and heals, but at other times it is the dauntless force that uproots mountains and scatters them like pebbles upon the wind. It is strong, wild, and uncontrollable. Some might make of it a motherly and nurturing force, but for most, it is a crueler thing and more fit to describe as masculine. [center][b]Personality:[/b][/center] Like the air that is his lifeblood and very image, he shifts quickly and violently in temperament. At times he is aloof and at other times he is an inescapable and suffocating, meddlesome force. He is the breeze that is warm and gentle to those than earn his respect or friendship, and violent and frigid tempest to those that earn his ire. In general, he is prone to sudden and drastic changes in mood, though he is not all that unpredictable if you only stop to examine his patterns and thought process. Like the sky he lords above all other things, looking down upon them from some throne of hubris atop the clouds. Also like the sky he is hollow; while he inflates himself to a tremendous size and soars at great heights, inside there is a emptiness, loneliness, and doubt; though any inferiority complex that he has would surely be masked to the most discerning of eyes by that thunderous and arrogant voice that he projects. Appearance: [center][b]Music Theme:[/b][/center] Theme 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dx6tXLq27hQ&list=PL572172884C1FC772&index=150 Theme 2: https://soundcloud.com/joncjg-420-69/arby-n-the-chief-season-8-track-51 Description: [/hider]