ATTENTION Feline-borne disease is on the rise. The Ministry of Mercy has issued a report stating that as many as one in five household cats may be infected with dangerous communicable disease. As of this study, there is no reason to suspect that feline-to-human infection has occurred; however, as a safety precaution, the Ministry of Mercy has asked the loyal subjects of the GLORIOUS LEADER to volunteer any potentially infectious cats for termination. This voluntary termination policy will remain in effect for a one-week period, after which compulsory terminations will begin. HAIL THE GLORIOUS LEADER! [code]They are insulting us, and they are insulting me, and they are insulting the glorious leader. This afternoon all our systems were hacked to play only 'cat videos' and this insufferable music -- surely you have heard it by now. The administration is not amused. Well if the rebels wanted to bring cats into this, they got cats into this, and so be it. Sic Semper Cattus. You the so-called "loyal" have failed to bring about an end of this rebellion. I will not suffer the same fate as my predecessor. Bring me information on the identity or whereabouts of Codename R. Sanctions will continue until this terrorist is brought to justice. You have your orders. Go.[/code]