The words that were spoken did little to inflict psychological damage to Miserow if at all. He had heard them before in some way shape or form. Whether in a holding cell awaiting trial, on a prison barge, or working on the estate it didn't matter it was all designed to do the same thing. Tear a person down from the inside and break their spirit so defeat was that much easier for those who spoke. Miserow didn't care one way another if he fought and won he gained his freedom and riches, but if he fought and lost then what did he lose...nothing. While there were others there with him who would certainly give Miserow a challenge, and one that Miserow knew better than to anger, he didn't see any of them as a threat. Not to mention if he didn't survive the batter then there was the chance that he would finally have a freedom that could never be taken away from him ever again. The 6'4" man from Maro thought for another moment and then saw the giant of a man step forward. He accepted the challenge, and then Miserow liked this opportunity better. He heard the giant speak and call himself Tane Cacahau Anoaru he was accepting the challenge. Miserow thought of letting Tane take care of this on his own. Even if Tane didn't win this provided Miserow with the opportunity to study Tane and his methods. Miserow had seen a few battles in his day and to survive when he had to fight what he did was take the various styles and methods of others and meld them into a style that worked for him and enabled him to survive. Maybe Miserow would win or maybe wouldn't but in the end one thing was for certain those with him would know that Miserow was not afraid of combat. Miserow stepped forward and said, "I am Miserow Pax. I was born here and returned here many years after serving on the Seven Winds as a member of the crew. I am not one to side-step a challenge no matter what the reward maybe. Be it gold or prestige none of those things matter it is the taste of combat that I crave. You can keep your reward if I earn it. I live for two things combat and the opportunity to battle with others who are my equal."