[u]E'docsil[/u] The shape shifter screamed in hatred, her eyes glued to Grey. The head and neck of the false Tyrael began to shift and crack, melting and molding like clay. When all was said and done, there was the head of a dragon staring down at Grey. It's long sinuous neck snarled at Grey, watching the axe crash down and through her arm. She screamed, the useless limb falling to the ground. However, muscle and tissue immediately shot out of her stump and grasped the edge of the shield, quickly growing more form and strength. Fire blasted out of her dragon head, intent upon roasting Grey alive. She completely ignored the illusion, the Maliced Naga, and Chessmaster's voice in her head trying to command her to fall back. She had to destroy Grey. Blood demands blood. [u]Grey's Axe[/u] [i]AHAHAHA! I'VE GOT THE BITCH NOW! HIT HER WITH ME AGAIN![/i] Fire erupted from the head of the axe, burning unnaturally. [u]Mackendrick[/u] The assassin grunted in surprise and irritation as he found his hands suddenly bound and unable to move by stupid plants. Still running, he lowered his hands down to his stomach, pressing against it briefly. Then, with a small flex of his arms, he snapped the plants binding him. "Clever, but not enough!" He called, pressing a hand against his temple. "There you are..." He said quietly, before taking off in the direction of Samson and the target. [i]Althalus[/i] He didn't have time to see if he had saved Summer from the axe man. The masked attacker was on the move again, this time barreling towards him, presumably after Samson as Annabeth finally decided it was time to run. [color=00aeef][i]Took her long enough.[/i][/color] He seethed, drawing a knife. He had to slow down or stop Mackendrick so Annabeth could get away. While he certainly couldn't hit the fast bastard, he could step in front of him. [color=00aeef][i]Hopefully, he doesn't have the same plan for me and have his own knife out![/i] [/color]Althalus thought, chuckling slightly insanely to himself. When he saw two of the three ice bolts (When in the name of the Inferno had Uicle had time to operate on the bear anyway? When did it become so lethal and terrifying?) graze the running man and cause him to stumble, Althalus leapt at his chance. He jumped in front of Mackendrick, holding his knife at the ready. It was like being rammed into by a horse. Althalus hit the ground hard, rolling to a stop. He was sure at least one thing was broken, but more importantly, he had stopped the assassin, if only briefly. [u]Mackendrick again.[/u] The assassin gasped as he felt one ice spike graze his knee, and the other clip his head. They weren't enough to do any serious damage, but they did cause him to stumble and slow, taking his eyes off of where he was going for a brief time. That was all they needed, was for him to let his guard down for a few seconds. Suddenly there was a blade in his side, and he had to stop. He let out a scream through gritted teeth, quickly grasping the knife and yanking it out. He had let his guard down and paid the price for it. He wouldn't underestimate these mages again. "I'll deal with you later." He snarled at Althalus, throwing the man's knife at him. It missed by a hairsbreadth, Althalus rolling out of the way. That's when the bear hit Mackendrick straight in the back in a snarling mass of anger and steel. [u]Alaira's opponent.[/u] The man frowned. "That's unusual. Unforseen. Never before done. Very well. We can't give you all at once, unfortunately, but we can give you all of them should you manage to beat one. Bare fists first? Yeah, he hasn't been challenged in a long while." The scarred man's body began to shift and grind, taking on new shapes and muscle masses. What was standing before Alaira was the scarred man if he had been born a Forest Elf, cracking his knuckles. "The first new challenger they give me in ages, and it's a disgusting half-breed? No pure elf would look so...orcish. Tell me, half-breed, was your mother raped, drugged, or simply stupid?" [u]Knight[/u] The knight whipped his shield around towards the sound of the arrow as he heard the familiar yet unfamiliar twang of a bow off to his side. The arrow smashed against his shield, casting smoke everywhere and blocking his vision. "You can use all the tricks you want, abomination! It won't save you!" He called, heading towards where he had last seen Keri. At the very least, it would get him out of the smoke and into the fight. That was his plan, at least, until he began to sink in the mud. "Gods damn it! Face me like an honorable opponent and be killed like one! Do not make me hunt you down in this smoke and kill you like a frightened rat!" He raged, yanking his boots out of the mud with violent force. His armor head turned towards Leith, just able to make out his form in the smoke, as the Hydromancer began to talk to him. "Don't worry, 'vampire'. If you're so eager to die I will get to you next." The Vampire Hunter quickly raised and fired the bolt at Leith's chest. If he really was a Vampire, he'd have no problems dodging. Bending his knees, he suddenly leapt from the sucking mud, sending it flying everywhere around him as he was air borne, crashing down just where Keri had been, his shield leaving a furrow in the ground. Yanking it out of the ground, he turned to face Keri. "There you are abomination! I was worried I'd have to hunt you down!" With that, he cocked back his arm and threw it at the vampire like a viciously lethal frisbee, flying through the air towards Keri's stomach.