[center][h2][b]Optimus Prime[/b][/h2] [@Nightknight][@Wraithblade6][/center] Before Optimus could respond to Eclipse, an emergency alert was sent to him informing of the planets imminent demise. This warning was incredibly disturbing. An entire planet, destroyed simply to keep it out of the hands of the enemy. It reminded him too much of Cybertron, and the catastrophe that followed. Such actions furthered his distaste of the Reign of Chaos, as their tactics were truly despicable. Moments later, a member of the resistance rapidly approached him. Although he did not have much experience interacting with her, he recognized her as Alexandria Skye. It seemed as though her squad was separated from the drop ships by a few miles, and would not make it to safety in time. Fortunately for her, he was more than capable of reaching her team in time. He would not abandon his comrades to die on this, or any planet. [color=#0066ff]"Although I do not think there is a way to stop this planet's destruction, I would be more than capable of collecting your subordinates. There should be enough room in my alternate form to carry them off world."[/color] Optimus addressed both beings before transforming into his vehicular mode. The door of the truck on Alexandria's side opened, and his voice seemed to come from inside [color=#0066ff]"Hop in, I will also need you to give me their location."[/color] Sending a general message to those in the Resistance forces, he informed them of his interactions with Eclipse. He also sent a message to the LAAT/c that brought him to the battle, requesting that it be on standby to pick him up. [color=#0066ff]"Eclipse, you are more than welcome to join us."[/color]