[center][b][i][h2][color=8A2BE2] ~The Shinigami Realm~ [/color][/h2][/i][/b][/center] [color=8A2BE2][b] "What is the point of us keeping these things? They're just a waste of space! We haven't used them in decades. I don't know about you guys but I'm throwing mine-" [/b][/color] [color=8A2BE2][b] "NO! You cant just cast those things down like they're nothing! Those pitiful humans would never figure out what they are or what they're used for but just in case they do, we CANNOT be responsible for that! Do you have any idea what the King would do to us?! Or what they would do to their world?" [/b][/color] Mishido grumbled aggressively under her breath. The council meeting of the Shinigami realm had just ended and no one had come to a decision on what they wanted to do with their notes. None of the Shinigami had used their notes in years and they were all very divided in their thoughts about what should happen next. Some believed they should be kept in a safe place for emergencies only. Others believed the King should keep them and use them at his own free will. They all knew this was a safe option; not even the Shinigami King could kill one of them. There was only one way to kill a Shinigami and the King was not capable of that. The other small percentage; mainly Glius, thought they served little to no purpose any longer and they should be discarded. This was not a popular opinion because most of the Shinigami were still thinking of that rare "emergency situation" where they might be needed. However, absolutely no one thought they should ever be released into the human world. Each and every one of the Shinigami assumed that no human would ever be able to figure out the possibilities of the notes or even figure out what they were, but once again, just in case. Glius had always been the impulsive, short-tempered one of the Realm and everyone but him seemed to know it. Glius slouched away to go play a game of solitaire and get away from the rest of the Shinigami. [color=8A2BE2][b] "Dumb humans. Dumb Shinigami. I'm not keeping this thing." [/b][/color] As he walked past the thinnest layer of clouds, he made sure no one was looking and casually tossed his note through the clouds and watched it descend into the human realm. To be frank, he didn't care where it landed or who found it in the future.