[quote=@Antarctic Termite] Wait a minute. I remember this. IIIIII remember this. This was the roleplay where I designed Achozaal, spider-newt earth god of caverns, and made him create a goblin race of underground warriors. That was ages ago, but wow, how we all come back to where we came from in the end. Anyway, I don't have the freedom of time and responsibility to take this up again right now, but I sure am interested in seeing where it goes. Pity the collapse of Oldguild took away the chance to compare my writing from then with now. Good luck, little godlings! [/quote] Termite!!!! Where have you been?! I would have loved for your character to come back to this. If you're ever free again, know that there'll always be a place for you (whether you choose to reclaim the Caverns or not xP)