A girl sat alone in her freezing cold room, but it didn't bother her. She had gotten used to everything she touched either covering or turning into ice, and she wouldn't have it any other way. Being a practical mute had its advantages, the ability to freeze the lock on her door was one of them. She had to wait though during the time the guards switched shifts was perfect because they would either be too hungry and tired to care, or full and sluggish to be alert. The girl laid still on her bed, waiting for the guard to peek through the square hole cut in the door. When the guard had passed, she quickly put the dummy she made in her bed and grabbed her book bag filled with a journal, a couple boxes of granola bars, and a few water bottles. She zipped her hoodie underneath her winter coat, preparing for the outside weather, and put on her gloves that kept things from freezing. The brave young lady took a deep breath as she gently breathed on the lock before breaking it, and dashing into the dark hallway. The girl didn't know where she was going, all she knew was that she was getting out of this horrible place.