“Sir!” Cried the Officer with the unusual PDA as he ran towards Davis. “We’re here! But… I don’t see anything. How, how can that be? These are the precise coordinates given by President Irons.” However, Davis did not seem moved, he merely inspected the horizon, as if he attention was drawn to it; but he then suddenly remember that time was critical here. “Fear not Lieutenant, it’s here.” He answered, crouching down and brushing the snow away. As the snow clear, a small metallic disk revealed itself. It was an intended logo that held resemblance to that of their own. Again he looked up, knowing that he was being watched, but he couldn’t delay any further. From his pocket he removed a coin with the Enclave logo carved into it and placed it gently within the crucible then stood back up again. He took a few steps back and for a while nothing happened. The murmurs of disappointment swept over the troops, but before and could suggest that this activity was a waste of time, the recognisable sound of layers of snow and ice cracking roared thunderously through the dead forest. From the floor, a metal structure rose, covered in snow and ice that fell as the structure continued to grow unaccountably. Most of the troops retreated to a jogging pace well away from the structure. – Military Origin. It took about twenty minutes before the shaking and deafening sound to stop. [centre][img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/3609/f/2013/155/c/7/snow_base__6_4_13__by_zakforeman-d67tjo8.jpg[/img][/centre] “My God…” The officer whispered under his breath. “Time?” Davis commanded, seemingly unimpressed by the structure that grew in front of him. The officer scramble from his awe shock and rushed to operate his PDA. “Two hours til pass over, Sir!” the Officer replied. But before Davis was able to issue any orders, the faint echoing of a gunshot disrupted his trail of thought. He immediately turned to the troops, signally a particular squad and pointing towards the ridge. “Zion Squad, investigate that disturbance!” He bellowed. No confirmation was needed, five of the troops then began to head towards the location of where the gunshot was heard while to others followed Davis into the base.