[color=39b54a]"Don't fret. Your chibi-plushy will be a masterpiece. I only need to see something once to perfectly recreate it."[/color] Corban said, flourishing his hand over the plushy's on his belt as though he had laid a hand of cards. Then, the strangest thing happened as the new arrival replied to Ishatlle's greeting. She laughed. Well, as much as a living sword could emulate the action. Jett wouldn't be able to see it past the reflective amber visor, but Corban's jaw dropped. In all the time he'd been with her, he had seen the esteemed Guardian Edge emulate all kinds of emotions and gestures, but genuine laughter was not one of them. It would have been cute, had he not seen her make grown men cry -and crap themselves- like babies. [color=8882be] [/color]she spoke between giggles muffled with her hand. [color=8882be]< It isn't often that one catches my interest, and its a shame we all couldnt have met under more peaceful conditions. Though I'm sorry to say I have to [b]jet[/b], now.>[/color] With another low bow, she reintegrated with the sword's hilt in a flash of purple digistruct panels, leaving only man and much shorter man to their own devices, followed shortly by Jett's followup question. [color=39b54a]"Why yes, I am that Corban!"[/color] he pulled a 250 carat diamond from his utility belt, pinched between two fingers to show it. [color=39b54a]"See?"[/color] [color=39b54a]"So now that we're properly acquainted and [i]somewhat[/i] alone," [/color]Corban began, hefting his rifle upon the back of his waist, crystal nexus core charging its payload. [color=39b54a]"perhaps we can get down to business. After all, we are here to spill blood, are we not?"[/color] The diamond shifted and molded in a way that would make one question whether the material was an incredibly dense solid, and not water or a gel. His right hand now wielded a eutactically smooth, diamond and graphene blade whom's edge came alive with a crackling abjurative disjunction. It was three feet long, featuring a forked design like a swordbreaker, but bore a distinctive ovular shape. The two were slightly less than a rock's throw apart, and Corban slid his right foot forward, and his left back slightly for a wide stance, and held his blade vertically afront the mid section of his chest. [color=39b54a]"Well? I'm ready."[/color]