[center][h3][sub][i][color=salmon]F i o n a[/color][/i][/sub][/h3][/center] [sub][sub][h3][i]Azra - Public Roads - [color=green]500 HP[/color] - 6/6 Stamina[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub] [hr] Naturally Fiona was a bit taken aback by the revelation that the giant man was a God Eater, or at least he declared himself to be one. She wasn't sure whether or not to believe him. She'd heard stories of his kind from older members of the Order, but in all honesty, she hadn't truly accepted that they could be true, that men could truly desire to consume the flesh of other men. The beasts surely did enough of that in the world, she thought. It was possible he was simply pretending to be one, she supposed. He size and strength could not be faked, of course, and many likely took him at his word. Fiona almost did. Being feared certainly had its uses, even if Fiona did not plan to take advantage of that fear herself. Many of her brothers and sisters took a different path, or tried to. She would have to see him doing the things she'd heard about to really believe. Immediately she didn't want to, but also couldn't help feeling morbidly curious. By the time she recovered herself enough to form words again, the supposed God Eater had finished his own question, and what was perhaps a veiled threat at the end of it. She'd noticed him sizing her up, eyes traveling up and down, something that earned him a hard stare from her in return. If he meant harm to her, well... he would likely find himself outmatched, especially with Ezheia here. [color=salmon]"The Burning Light's path is not something one follows for power,"[/color] she stated firmly. [color=salmon]"Our magic corrupts and destroys our bodies from within over time, despite the rigorous training we practice to endure it. The power is used to destroy threats and heal in equal measure."[/color] She looked at his armor, which was quite sturdy, something she wouldn't be able to pierce through with her martial abilities. He would cook quite nicely inside it of, however, something that even the lowest Order Disciple knew. Even the thickest armor did little to protect against the impressive heat of magical fire. The metal would only burn a man inside of his own suit. [color=salmon]"To be in the Burning Light is to serve the people, above all."[/color] She left it at that. It felt a bit like something a Preceptor would say to a child in the Order, but despite that, Fiona believed it whole-heartedly. Fame and glory were things often sought after by those of her kind, but rarely were they earned alongside a lengthy life. Nor were they achieved through selfish pursuits, but instead those that were revered by the people.