[center][color=f7941d]Ethan looked up at her, chewing his cake slightly slower, until he was just looking at her with a mouth full of cake, which he proceeded to swallow very slowly. He didn’t notice the mage step in, both too busy both eating his cake and talking to his new friend. “Erm…” he said, swallowing the last of his cake whole. “Sorry.”[/color] [color=cf5300]Amaterasu sighed softly and started fiddling with her hair again in complete boredom. All she was really doing was eating cake and drinking stuff which tasted really nice, not to mention. It was actually quite nice and it remembered her of times she had this drink with her parents, but in a different cafe whose name she cannot recall exactly. At least the memories were nice, even if she had burned one or two people right afterwards. Noticing that the reckless male was staring at her with cake in his mouth, she shook her head, she hasn’t even finished her own cake yet. He really did need some manners in the dining etiquette, “It’s fine…” she grumbled “You just need more manners” the lass stated rather boldly. Looking on the opposite side, she noticed Rei and her face turned to some sort of red in embarrassment. “Sh-shit!” she said to herself “Rei’s here! oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit” it was clear that she didn’t want to be in the cafe with Rei around: she was with a rival guild member AND she found Rei really cute, that she may just go really giddy for once. “Nuughhh” she mumbled before looking down disappointed. “Erm…” she began, then she stopped. Ama felt that it wasn’t the best to say that Rei was here glaring down at them like a boss.[/color] [color=f7941d]Ethan nodded kind of sheepishly when she told him about his manners at the table. “Yeah...sorry again. I get told that a lot. At the guild…” Looking up from his sheepish nod, he noticed her mumble something that sounded suspiciously like “Nuughhh”. He didn't know what “Nuughhh” meant, but he assumed that it was something bad. As “Nuughhh” was similar to many other noises that were usually used in a negative fashion. More to the point, why was she making such negative noises in the middle of cake? He had never heard that before. “Are you alright?” He asked kindly. “You didn’t have too much cake did you? I’ve done that before...I can get you some water if you want....”[/color] [color=0054a6]Rei’s food soon arrived, delivered by a less than willing server. Her eyes just looked fearful, of course, Rei being oblivious didn’t even say anything, muttering an almost inaudible ‘Thank you.’ Of course I felt eyes on him, mostly of the patrons who had now started mumbling something, most likely about Rei. Rei, in the middle of silently eating his food heard what seemed to be Amaterasu muttering his name in multitude. A flash of Vega causing trouble popped into his head, and so he promptly got up and walked over to her table with the knight.[/color] [color=f7941d]Ethan turned his head to look at the newcomer. He looked vaguely familiar, but Ethan met a lot of people. He didn’t know all of them, at least, their names. So he gave the newcomer a smile, while racking his brain to try and remember where he had seen him before. “Hi there! Do you want the rest of my new friend’s cake? I think she has eaten too much and can’t finish it. Maybe the drinks beforehand filled her up already…”[/color] [color=cf5300]Amaterasu was just casually looking down due to the embarrassment from Rei, until her newfound friend gained her attention, she didn’t know what to exactly say to his question. But she coughed lightly in an attempt to speak up “N-no, I haven’t a-” Her words stopped track as Rei was walking over to her table “Sh-sh-shit…” she looked around quickly but she couldn’t find a place to hide or make a distraction, sometimes: this is when she really wants to burn the hell out of him, but she is too scared too, as cliche as it sounded. “H-hiii, Rei!” she exclaimed rather embarrassingly, this was the LAST person she wanted to see, although this was probably going to be one of the better encounters from her other members. It could have been Travis or Vega for example and she hates Vega with a passion. Like she could just burn him on sight if she so desired to. “Ethan!” she shook her head “N-no, I have not ate too much, And the drinks before hand has certainly not filled me up, I can eat and eat and I will keep this curvaceous figure” the girl admitted, although she doesn’t exactly eat much, she could eat a lot if she wanted and stay true to them words. “How are you, Rei? I didn’t expect you to be here” she queried as she finally looked to her hands in a some-what psychotic manner, trying to resist her urge to burn him for the very first time like she did to Ethan.[/color] [color=0054a6]Rei observed both the sitting patrons, Amaterasu and Ethan. He walked over there just to heed her call and somewhere in the back of his head to see if this dynamic duo is causing trouble. He looked down at them, instilling his clear blue sky eyes into theirs, “... I’ll have to refuse the offer, Ethan.” he answered the Knight, his normal, cold voice calling out. Rei switched his gaze from Ethan to Amaterasu, “Did you call me?” [/color] [color=f7941d]The force mage was watching quite intently as the conversation played out. His new friend was getting...uncomfortable. Why was that? Who was this guy? He briefly considered asking this newcomer to leave, only to get distracted by something the girl said about herself, causing his eye to wander down for a moment before looking back up again, blushing a bit. Finally, he stared into the blue eyes of the newcomer. “Gosh, those are some nice eyes.” He then snapped into reality, remember where he was, what he was doing, and why he shouldn't be staring at eyes, or in the girl’s case...something else. It was then, that he realised that the person knew his name, instantly, the penny dropped. “Oh god…” He muttered… “I blew up your house one time, didn't i? i've told you people before, that compensation comes from the guild. Did you own that building we were fighting next to earlier? Because i don't know which guild is gonna pay up, seeing as we come from different ones...” [/color] [color=cf5300]The fire lady was still looking at her hand, trying to stop her flames from bursting into action and let each of its strand dance happily around her hand. She actually grunted slightly and managed to stop her urge. Although that may not last for long, she didn’t care, she was happy she managed to stop the urge for the time being. She looked to Rei again and then Ethan, it was as if one of them asked her a question. But she can’t remember it because she was too focused on stopping that flame of hers from emerging. “Eh?” she simply said, blinking once or twice to keep herself from screwing up. “Can you repeat that please??” she tilted her head sweetly but coldly, as if nothing actually happened just then to her and her mental urge to stop burning the crap out of people. She looked away from the two after that and didn’t answer nor did she speak, she just had a forkful of cake and… ate it.[/color] [color=0054a6]Rei’s scowl turned a bit darker, “Fighting?” he asked, the pitch of his voice deepening. He had just dealt with Vega picking a fight with the Harpy’s, now this. Although looking at it, it seems like the fight didn’t hurt any civilians, only collateral damage. He did a short sigh, closing his eyes lightly and opening them once again, “Did you both fight, and if you did, avoid it.” he commented in an unintended harsh tone, “Both the guildmasters specifically pointed out that there shouldn’t be any fighting in this festival.” Though noting they were at a pub chatting like old friends, Rei hoped that it wouldn’t reach the guildmaster’s ears. After Amaterasu’s question and odd action of shoving a fork full of cake into her mouth, Rei reiterated his question, “Did you call me, if you didn’t I’ll go back to my table and continue eating.”[/color] [color=f7941d]Ethan's mouth dropped as he heard the newcomer mention the guildmasters. He was a guild member? But that would mean… “Oh thank god!” He said, resting his forehead on the table. “You are just a golem’s hand mage. I thought you were someone else who i need to pay damages to.” With this, he took a sigh of relief. “So what can i do for you? And also, what’s my new friend’s name? She hasn't told me and i can;t keep referring to her as...well, “Her. “ ”[/color] [color=cf5300]Amaterasu knew she was fucked the moment Rei questioned her about the fighting, and felt her cheek slightly before looking to Ethan’s cheek. She was now remembering the little impulsive spar the two had before deciding to go to the pub and act buddy buddy. Although this was merely because Amaterasu couldn’t be bothered paying for her own food. “We were fighting yes” Amaterasu admitted “But it was in an alleyway, so it was in a secluded area away from the festival itself. Nobody was harmed except us two” She also admitted, pointing at Ethan’s cheek from when she did her flame kick to his face. “And no, I didn’t call you… However I did say you name in a surprised reaction because I didn’t expect you here at all” Amaterasu seemed to speak clearly yet shyly towards Rei, she didn’t like the fact that she was so scared of him. She wanted to warm up to him somehow, but the two were not made for each other, they both preferred being alone and both preferred to speak as little as possible. “Oh and, erm. Don’t bother telling him my name” Although she doesn’t know if Rei actually will or not, he does prefer to tell others what's going on after all, and it just seemed more sensible to. Which Amaterasu didn’t like as much, but it happens. [/color][/center]