[quote=@Lauder] [@Kho] I suppose your [b]Kho[/b]ol enough, but you [b]kho[/b]uld be better than me. [/quote] This guys knows me. He actually knows me. Hey, you know me, keep doing whatever it is you're doing, because I like it xP [quote=@Double Capybara] For example how does a Goddess of Beauty and the arts deals with "Cold Logic" or "Efficiency" I'm pretty sure she can see beauty in the natural circle of things, but both imply avoiding superfluous stuff, and my goddess is often about the "futile" stuff. That is why I'm saying I need to flesh her out a bit more. [/quote] I'd say go with your gut, develop her in the direction you feel is best. But just note, one of the reasons I really like her is because I felt she'd be relevant to the lives of creations - what do they care for Chaos gods and gods of Change and whatnot? What really affects their lives directly is what they can see and feel, and a goddess who constantly encourages beauty and creativity gives some kind of purpose and fulfillment to their lives - she actually engages with them positively (and yes, negatively too, I can't deny those twisted tragedies she allows) and that makes all the difference. She's your character though, flesh her out in which ever direction you please