[center]Name: Sonya Khalturin Gender: Female Appearance: [img]http://safebooru.org//samples/1596/sample_2ee33daf284303db5f392d4755f928adc9b3da11.png?1670769[/img] Sonya typically wears a black tank top with dark blue jeans and a tank top. She likes to keep things simple outside of contests, and also tends to wear fingerless black gloves and a black backpack with orange-red highlights that match her hair in the sunlight. Within contests or really nice events she really shows her girl side with beautiful dresses and making sure her hair is perfect, the whole nine yards. Age: 16 Hometown: Johto - Violet City Starter/Partner: Cyndaquil -> Quilava [hider=Natalie] [img]http://img13.deviantart.net/9ec6/i/2011/190/b/7/quilava_by_apricolor-d3li985.png[/img] Gender: Female Type: Fire Moves: Flame Wheel / Flare Blitz / Flamethrower / Lava Plume[/hider] Other Pokemon: [hider=Espeon] [img]http://pre13.deviantart.net/942e/th/pre/i/2015/303/0/6/espeon_by_vermeilbird-d9evycc.jpg[/img] Gender: Female Type: Psychic Moves: Psybeam / Confusion / Psychic / Hyper Beam [/hider] [hider=Glaceon] [img]http://img13.deviantart.net/8afd/i/2011/024/0/0/glaceon____by_xjesstheicehedgiex-d37z1hu.png[/img] Gender: Female Type: Ice Moves: Ice Beam / Ice Shard / Mirror Coat / Sunny Day [/hider] Personality: Sonya is a confident young trainer/Coordinator who is usually cheerful, but not necessarily upbeat. She has a high tendency to put things off like practice or work, but secretly that's only publicly. She actually works really hard at practicing with her pokemon and loves them very much. Though when it comes to losing it makes her feel as though she failed her pokemon and can upset her greatly. Goal: To become the top Coordinator, and still manage to be an awesome trainer and possibly become a member of the elite four. Keystone: Hairpin Legendary Guardian: Yes - Celebi [img]https://49.media.tumblr.com/82e4e7b9bc22e6ead3e679734feb23ea/tumblr_nxtjk3DkTz1uliqfuo1_500.gif[/img] [/center]