Tetsuo downed the beer quickly. He said "Guess news gets around fast here. Damn it, I didn't think it'd be like this. I mean, he was joining in the white night, and I knew that the odds of him making it out weren't good, but I just wanted to see him one last time. I wanted him to wait a bit, but he kept saying that this might be the only time for him to be part of it. He had all this stuff planned out, not just about what he'd do during the white night but how he'd say goodbye to everyone. His whole life was leading up to it, and someone killed him before the whole thing even started.". His voice was a low monotone and there was a small tear in his eye. He looked around the bar for a bit while he regained his composure. The interior was old and ornate, it was strange to see what was a bar mostly populated by eccentrics and outcasts so lavishly furnished. Of course, everyone in the magical community knew that this wasn't just a gathering place for weirdos. A lot of important business happened here, especially when a white night was approaching. He asked "Kotetsu didn't talk much about his social life. I don't know if there was anyone with a grudge against him, or if someone wanted his stuff. It looked like they stole some of his gear, but they knew what they were looking for. Do you have any ideas?"