[h1]Remnants of Eldritch IV[/h1] [@thewizardguy] [@lmpkio] Amidst the space-dust and meteorites of the annihilated planet... Something has survived its destruction, completely intact; having not only utilized the very crust of the planet and various chunks of starship debris to shield itself from the planetary shockwave and thermal radiation, but also due to being on the former planet's upper thermosphere. Even so, for something to survive such an apocalyptically destructive event; such a thing must be quite monstrous indeed... "[i][color=gray]How troublesome...[/color][/i]" Finding itself stranded in outer space, staring impotently at the already escaping Resistance fleet due to severe damage and not having received any recall command along with not having been given access to a teleporter recall beacon, the survivor prepares to wait out until its self-repair systems kick in and allow it to leave the newly-made graveyard and hopefully towards a populated system that was either too proud or foolish to not be aligned with the masters it so very loathed... Then again, it really wouldn't matter to it even if the system was a vassal, for its lust for destruction by then will have become overwhelming... For any stragglers remaining in the ruins of the former planet, they may or may not notice on their sensors that there's this incredibly odd and foreboding energy signature coming from the edge of the debris field. The sense of foreboding due to the fact that its far too powerful and large to be something that could have survived the destruction of a planet.