[b]Province 69[/b] The defences were set. The troops were ready and the weapons loaded. Everyone was as ready as they could be for what was to come. In order for the enemy to attack them, they'd have to use ships to cross the water. The Navy would engage their ships and sink as many troop transports as possible, while the Airforce would provide support to the Army and target they heavier troops. The plan was to keep them pinned on the beach and take them down piece by piece. Nobody was sure if they would succeed, but it was the best plan they had. May the Gods help them to victory. [b]Actions[/b]: Garrisons: Province 68 Light Infantry 1 Heavy Infantry 1 Heavy Cavalry 1 Arquebusier 1 Artillery 3 Ships 9 Derrigible 5 Province 69 Light Infantry 18 Heavy Infantry 44 Heavy Cavalry 44 Arquebuisiers 44 Artillery 46 Ships 54 Derrigibles 90 Province 70 Light Infantry 1 Heavy Infantry 5 Heavy Cavalry 5 Arqubuisiers 5 Artillery 7 Ships 9 Derrigibles 5 Recruitment 2 Ships and 2 Light Infantry all provinces