[b][center]~| Day 3, 20:35 - 20:40 GST |~ ~|Location: Egren, Mos Eisley, Tatooine within Egrens shop|~[/center][/b] Egren winced as the Herglic tried to work his way into the shop. The shop wasn't the most spacious even by Tatooine standards, with shelves piled high full of various items. From family heirlooms to old scrolls and the odd bit and bob that he just bought out of sympathy for someone fallen on hard times or he felt it would resell. He was actually hopeful when the Herglic had first entered his shop but then he noticed the lightsaber on the beings hip and winced to himself. He wasn't a Sith, he didn't think so anyway at least if he was he wasn't very violent so that must have made him a Jedi. Egren wasn't sure if that meant the council had finally got fed up of him running around the outer rim on his own or if the Force just had a wicked sense of humor. Though he was determined not to let anything slip, he could always have tried to pry. Cast out his senses and find out of this truly was a Jedi but then if this being didn't know he was Force sensitive he soon would. No, he'd play the long game instead. "Perhaps it is your species that is not normal sized, not my door hm?" Egren placed the tome he had currently been studying down making sure to close it carefully. "I would also recommend that if you seek information one of Janglors employees perhaps you should see him? I am a simple merchant trying to make a living, I sell goods not information after all. I may be persuaded to change my mind, if you have anything to trade." [center][b]~|Day 2, 18:31-18:36|~ ~|Koren, Prison Complex (Medical Bay)|~[/b][/center] "Jedi chose Padawans in a similar fashion, they are not assigned. We let the Force guide us to make a decision. Sometimes when a Jedi sees a Padawan they just know that it is their place to teach them. This is usually done after their initiate trials, when the Jedi has a chance to see the Padawans capabilities. Though of course each temple has it's own slightly different method of this, our differences are what makes us who we are after all." He flashed her a smile before looking to Khan. "I'm sure we'll be fed in due course young one, and I'm sure the food will be the best prisons have to offer. Or at the very least it won't be the worst prison food I've ever had which is another victory for us!" He turned back to Jayda with a blank expression on his face. She was not a dark individual. She wasn't exactly light, but she wasn't dark. Her path had been chosen for her, carved for her, by the Trandoshan that much was clear. It almost physically pained him of such an individual being corrupted by a beast such as that, the entire scenario made her a possible ally. A dangerous ally but an ally nonetheless with one exception... Trust. How much of this story could be considered genuine? It could all be an elaborate ploy, sadly it wasn't above the Sith to employ such tactics.