[quote=@Muttonhawk] Oh goodness. I hate when this happens... I have an idea for a god, but I must be honest, I am in skim reading mode because it is late at night where I am. In the meantime, I'll dump my general inspiration and sleep on it. Feel free to criticise, tear it asunder, etc. Especially if there are potential problems with the rules. I'd like to make a god of Creation [or Crafting, or something else] with the portfolio of (Perfection). Now, this won't be a 'perfect' being or anything like that, but the pursuit a perfect world in a sort of sociopathic and insidious way. Right now, the 3x3 moral compass is edging into Lawful Evil with what I have in mind, but I would honestly have to complete the CS to know for sure - really, I can see the god behaving in the other categories for the sake of pursuing perfection. I intend for him to be a villainous sort, actively encroaching upon and wrecking other people's things with the justification of it being imperfect. Though, The joke is on him, as he is an imperfect entity himself. However, he will not annihilate himself before perfecting everything else. At the same time, he replaces what he destroys with bland, ideal substitutes. Everything he creates is done so with an ideal standard of perfection, but never [i]quite[/i] there by barely a notch. That is because this god's definition of perfection is ultimately unattainable. With that, you can probably guess what his end game will be if there isn't enough chaos around to keep him busy. I'll take another look at all this tomorrow to make sure that I am not insane. In the meantime, I think I'll sleep. [/quote] This one has come ready-mad xDD (get it, ready-mad, get it? get it?) I'll wait for you to read the OP and see how your idea develops after that, but for the moment, this looks pretty terrific. Although it is only adding to madness of this so-far insane world xD Rather similar to Logos now that I think on it, [@Dawnscroll]