Orion breathed a sigh of relief as the incredible pain vanished. After that though really everything vanished, like he was in some sort of hypnotized state. After an indeterminate amount of time had passed most of the bewildering haze went away. To be replaced with something that was perhaps far worse. Rather than being chased and eaten alive by FRICKING wolves. He now [i]was[/i] a fricking wolf. However this wasn't much time to dwell on this either because he smelled something delightful. Like a mix between delicious meat and the sweetest candies. Before he knew it his claws were extended and he was running, claws sinking into the ground and launching himself forward with more speed. He was so fast, so strong. It took only seconds before his teeth sunk into the smell and dragged it back into the cloud where he'd come from, then he was off again, hunting for the smell again. Another smell, easily snatched up, but this time he bit into it and drank in the smell. Euphoria. In the blur of pleasure Orion had a moment of clarity. Aw hells. He wanted, needed, to.... Stop being this. But he couldn't, his body was already running forward towards the smell again. Hell. Orion focused, wresting partial control of his body back from that monstrous feeling. He ran forward, faster, faster, faster than he'd ever moved any time. He ran past the smell, so much of it. In moments of lucidity he could see the people running from him, screaming in terror, exuding that wonderful scent. Orion ignored it all, pushing forward. The excuse he gave the feeling was that he was running towards more of the smell. The rush of the wind in his fur, his claws digging into the ground and the odd person that didn't move out of the way fast enough. In reality, he was hoping to escape it, by running as far and fast away from it as he could. This was not how round two was supposed to go.