[quote]Radar works by bouncing radio waves off objects and receiving the signals to determine the bearing and range of said objects. FRAME radars are primarily for locating the position of other FRAMEs or military-grade vehicles. The received signal informs the pilot of the approximate location, size, bearing and range of whatever objects it comes into contact with. [u]This information is displayed on a monitor in the cockpit. Radar alone doesn't typically differentiate between friend and foe, however, so additional visual confirmation about the nature of the objects is necessary to avoid friendly fire or other incident.[/u][/quote] Okay, awesome - this is the sort of information I definitely need to know when RPing. Do different FRAMEs have different monitors that display things differently, or is there a standard look to how the heat signatures appear on the monitor? If you know someone is an ally and mark that heat signature as allied, does it appear differently on the radar than unidentified heat signatures? [quote]And now for a bit of fiction: The C3 suite subsystem sort of combines the sensors of multiple FRAMEs in a unit and clumps it into a cohesive picture. So a commander like Cecilia could look at her C3 monitor and see the radar and heat signatures of all her squadmates, and she can also use the system to see just what [i]their[/i] sensors are picking up. It constantly collects data being fed by allied machines and puts it into a visual map of the zone of operation. So Cpl. Jones might have an "oh, shit" moment and turn the corner to find a squad of mooks looking at him, and Lt. Brown's C3 will update him of the new data Jones' FRAME has picked up from the mooks. It's a nifty tool for commanders to [s]micromanage their grunts[/s] remain totally aware of updates to their surroundings and act accordingly.[/quote] And this whole piece is really helpful to know. I'll be sure to keep note of it when writing here. All that's needed to get information on a FRAME's equipment is visual, aye? Or are there more advanced tools to discover what they have?